Monthly Archives: February 2012

US Predators strike again in Miramshah

Four “militants” were killed in the second strike in 24 hours in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan. A senior al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander is reported to have been killed.


US drones killed 10 Haqqani Network and Central Asian fighters in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed two soldiers in Mohmand. Representatives from the US, Pakistan, and Afghanistan met to discuss border security coordination.


Security forces captured four Taliban leaders and facilitators in Helmand and Khost, and three insurgents, including a Pakistani, in Kandahar. The government said it was willing to accept the transfer of Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo to Qatar.


Iraq executed Abu Talha, a senior aide to Abu Musab al Zarqawi, and sentenced a Saudi al Qaeda in Iraq leader to death. A tribal sheikh was killed in an IED attack in Diyala.


Bashar al-Assad’s Syria offers Iran a springboard into the Arab Middle East

Iraq executes Zarqawi aide

Abu Talha was a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader, a member of Ansar al Islam, and a potential successor to Abu Musab al Zarqawi.


Ten “tribesmen” were killed during clashes with Shia Houthis in Hajjah province. Tribesmen and Salafists accused the Houthis of using child soldiers. The government killed 270 civilians during Arab spring protests.


Architect of Egypt’s NGO crackdown is Mubarak holdover

Signs build that Iran sanctions disrupt food imports


Heavy shelling continued for the fifth day in the city of Homs; up to 100 people have been killed in the last 24 hours as tanks enter the city. The EU reached an agreement to impose sanctions on Syria’s central bank.


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed nine Somalis in Mogadishu. Puntland’s president warned that war with Somaliland is possible due to fighting in Buhodle.


What does it mean to be Alawite, and why does it matter in Syria?


Higher speeds, hired guns drive Somali piracy cost


Egypt PM dismisses US aid threat over activists’ trial


US Is Planning to Halve Its Staff at Iraq Embassy


Pakistan – Resume NATO supply for better deal, says Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar