Monthly Archives: January 2012


Iran warned Saudi Arabia against raising oil production to replace embargoed Iranian oil. Iran asked India to pay for oil in yen to help circumvent sanctions.


The Arab League extended its monitoring mission for another month and declined an opposition request to refer the matter to the UN. Saudi Arabia withdrew from the mission, saying the “Syrian government did not execute any of the elements of the Arab resolution plan.”


In Syrian City, a Calm That Few Expect to Last

Fatah is unsettled by Hamas head Meshaal stepping down

Rights group urges West to get over Islamist aversion


With parliament opening, Egypt’s Brotherhood strikes a cautious tone over Islamic agenda


Protesters attacked the ruling NTC headquarters in Bengazi, calling for more transparency. The Vice President of the NTC resigned after the attacks. ENI, the largest foreign oil producer in Libya, said it was producing oil at close to pre-war levels.


Pakistan – Aasia Bibi’s case: Weighed down by guilt, blasphemy accuser mulls pulling back


Shabaab pressed more than 200 young men in Afgoye into their military to wage jihad against Somali and African Union forces. “Gunmen” abducted an American engineer and beat his driver in Galkayo.


The death toll in Boko Haram’s rampage in Kano has risen to 178 and is expected to climb. Boko Haram spokesman Abul Qaqa said that the group is retaliating for government attacks against its members in Kano.


Canada – Shafia’s curses shouldn’t be taken literally, defence witness tells court


Algeria has begun the trial of Mukhtar Belmukhtar, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s leader in southern Algeria. Belmukhtar and four other AQIM fighters are being tried in absentia for acts of terrorism. Five other AQIM fighters on trial are in custody.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan official says US military will be allowed to return, but not CIA drones

United States

A Palestinian group called Masada al-Mujahideen claimed it started a brush fire near Reno, Nev. on Jan. 18. The group announced “the expansion of the location of the war … to the inside of America and soon to other places.” An elderly man turned himself in to authorities yesterday, expressing remorse for having accidentally started […]


Peru gov’t bans trips abroad for terror convicts


Security forces arrested five members of the banned group Hizb-ut-Tahrir who are suspected of plotting with some members of the military to overthrow the government and impose sharia law.


President Karzai said that he has negotiated with members of the Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin. The Taliban killed five policemen in Herat, four civilians in Helmand, and an ISAF soldier in the south.


Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ‘to step down’