Monthly Archives: January 2012


Pakistan – Clearing Khyber of militants requires public support: FC


Pakistan – ISI top brass briefs Senate panel on anti-terror war policy


Police believe that Yasin Bhatkal was in Mumbai and may have directed the bombings on July 13, 2011 that killed 26 people. Bhatkal, who is also known as Shahrukh, is described as a “key” Indian Mujahideen operative.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and killed 12 “militants” in Khyber. One soldier and four “militants” were killed in a suicide attack in Khyber. The Taliban killed a militiaman in Bajaur.


More than 380 insurgents, including 19 commanders, reconciled with the government in Badghis province. Security forces detained two Taliban facilitators and several fighters in Helmand and Paktia provinces.


Ethiopian and Somali troops seized control of Beledweyne from Shabaab fighters. A pro-governemnt militia and Shabaab are fighting near Dhusamareb.

Iran’s dangerous trade game


“Gunmen” opened fire in two bars during New Years Eve celebrations in northern Kenya, killing five people and wounding 28 more. Police suspect Shabaab fighters carried out the attack.


President Jonathan declared a state of emergency in areas of Yobe, Borno, Plateau, and Niger states after attacks on Dec. 25 by al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram killed over 40 people. A counterterrorism force will be deployed to those four states, and portions of the Nigerian border with Niger, Chad, and Cameroon have been temporarily closed.