Monthly Archives: January 2012


A Philippine military commander says at least five foreign al-Qaida-linked extremists are hiding on the remote southern island of Jolo. Among the five suspects is Zulkifli bin Hir, also known as Marwan; the US has issued a $5 million bounty for information leading to his capture or death.


India – Lashkar-e-Taiba raising 21 female terrorists against India: Army


Violent Clashes Reported in China Over Mosque Demolition


Mullah Krekar, an Iraqi terrorist who has lived in Norway for years despite an expulsion order against him, said he plans to return to Kurdistan. “Each side [in Kurdistan] wants to have me back to fight their opponents for them,” he stated.


In Egypt, Islamic scholar casts a skeptical eye toward the future


Conflicting Reports of Attack on Iraq’s Finance Minister, Rafe al-Essawi


Eight suspected militants were killed in the Galju area of Arakzai. Security forces pounded insurgent hideouts in Upper Arakzai, killing 10 militants in an ongoing operation. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan vowed to stop “killing innocent people and kidnapping for ransom in Pakistan” but also to continue carrying out suicide attacks and fighting […]

Muslim rebels join hunt for kidnapped Australian


Armed Yemeni guards trying to break up a strike at a government office killed at least one of the protesters. A French journalist was found strangled with an electrical wire in his hotel room in Sana’a. The hotel, Al-Maali, is near the presidential palace in an area controlled by Yemen’s Republican Guard.


Iran test fired “long-range” shore-to-sea and surface-to-surface missiles, called Qader (Capable) and Nour (Light). The value of Iran’s currency fell 10 percent following new US sanctions against Iran’s central bank. Iran closed a border point with Pakistan after a Pakistani border force detained three Iranian guards for crossing the border and killing a man.


Ten people were killed during fighting between a pro-government militia and Shabaab forces near Dhusamareb. Ethiopia said its forces would remain in Beledweyne. Shabaab leader Abu Zubayr decried the presence of foreign armies in Somalia.


Analysis: Blocs pursue short-term fixes for Iraq political crisis


A Boko Haram spokesman said southerners who live in northern Nigeria have three days to leave or they would be the target of attacks. Abdul Qaqa also vowed to defend Muslims in the north and said the terror group’s forces would attack the military, which is enforcing a state of emergency.


Military officials claimed they have killed a top Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader. Mohand Ouramdane and his second in command were reportedly killed in an ambush by Algerian troops in the town of Azib Ahmed, about 3 km east of Tizi Ouzou. An Algerian court sentenced in absentia Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, one of […]


Iran currency plunges 10% as US strengthens sanctions