Monthly Archives: January 2012


Sheikh Ahmed Iman Ali, a Shabaab leader in Kenya, declared jihad against the government. Police detained seven Shabaab operatives. Somali refugees at camps in northern Kenya are fleeing due to increased violence.


Shabaab denied Kenyan military claims that 60 of their fighters were killed during recent fighting in Garbaharey. A Shabaab leader asked the leader of the Tabliqis to join their movement after African Union forces shelled a Tabliqi moaque in Mogadishu.


Pakistan PM fires top defence official after army generals attack on civilian leadership


Terrorists killed 35 Pakistanis at a bombing in a bazaar in Khyber. The US killed four “militants” in the first drone strike in Pakistan in 55 days. Security forces detained a wanted Taliban leader in Nowshera.


Pakistan – ‘No proposal to link civil nuke technology with NATO supply’


Ongoing clashes north and east of Zinjibar left two al Qaeda fighters and three soldiers dead. An explosion stopped all crude oil output from the Jannah Block oil field in Shabwa. Yemen’s parliament is considering a new law granting immunity to Yemen’s president and anyone who served in his regime over the past 33 years.


China faces tough balancing act over Iran


The US has said Iran’s uranium enrichment at an underground bunker was a “further escalation.” Russia expressed regret and concern. Europe and Japan moved forward with plans to cut Iranian oil imports.


In his first public speech since June, President Assad vowed to crush opponents with an “iron fist.” Pro-Assad supporters attacked Arab League monitors. The general in charge of the monitors said the mission was just starting and that he was seeing “enough” cooperation from the regime. Israel is preparing for the fall of the regime.

Ahmadinejad: Caracas or Bust


A Danish court fined the owners of the Danish-based Kurdish television station Roj TV after finding them guilty of promoting terrorism and being financed and controlled by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. The deputy commander of a regiment linked to an airstrike that killed scores of Kurdish civilians in northern Iraq was removed from his post.


The nationwide strike drew tens of thousands of protesters to the streets chanting anti-government slogans and setting fires. A mob burned an Islamic school in the southern city of Benin where clashes earlier killed five people. Two Christians were killed by suspected Boko Haram gunmen in Maiduguri.


Security forces are searching for six to nine members of the Abu Sayyaf group and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Manila and Rizal province after a presidential decree warned of impending attacks during the Feast of the Black Nazarene in Manila. Suspected members of Abu Sayyaf blew up a bridge in the southern province […]

United States

Craig Baxam, 24, a former US soldier from Laurel, Md., was charged with attempting to join an al Qaeda-linked terror organization. The recent convert to Islam had flown to Somalia last month to join Shabaab, and had donated funds to the terror group. Kenyan police arrested him near the Somali border.


Italy: Mafia’s €140 bln in sales makes crime Italy’s biggest business


Omid H., a 22-year-old Afghan, was charged with recruiting for al Qaeda and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan by posting “radical Islamic” messages and videos on a jihadist website. He was arrested near the central German city of Kassel in July 2011.