Monthly Archives: January 2012

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Mansoor Ijaz blamed Kayani over Osama bin Laden after Abbottabad raid


The Taliban said they would continue to wage jihad and would not abide by the Afghan constitution. A Taliban suicide bomber killed the district governor of Panjwai in Kandahar, his two sons, and two bodyguards. ISAF killed two Taliban commanders in an airstrike in Kunar.


Iran called for revenge for the killing of one of its nuclear scientists. Japan agreed to reduce its imports of Iranian oil. The US imposed sanctions on China’s Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp, Iran’s largest supplier of refined petroleum products.


Twenty people were killed in northern Yemen during fighting between Houthi rebels and Salafists. Yesterday the Military Affaires Committee gave “armed groups and tribesmen” two days to quit the capital.


Analysis: Arab monitors flounder amid Syrian violence

EU moves towards agreement on details of Iran oil embargo

Adversaries of Iran Said to Be Stepping Up Covert Actions


Shabaab killed four people in Afgoye and stoned a Kenyan “spy” in Kismayo to death. The Red Cross suspended aid deliveries after Shabaab interfered with operations.


Shabaab fighters crossed the border from Somalia and attacked a police station in Gerille. Five people, including three policemen and a government official, were killed in the attack; several people are said to be missing. Shabaab claimed credit for the attack.


Israeli intelligence chief: ‘Iran, Hezbollah providing weaponry to Assad’


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters and detained 30 more in Balkh. A suicide bomber failed in his attempt to assassinate Kandahar’s chief of police after penetrating security at the compound. The Taliban claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide assault in Paktika that killed seven people.


Insurgents killed four policemen in Al Qaim; one insurgent was also killed. Police killed two “masked men” in Kirkuk. The Kurdish Regional Government has balked at turning over Vice President Hashemi to the central government.


An assassin killed a Iranian scientist involved in its nuclear program. Iran accused the US and Israel; the US denied responsibility. This was the latest in a series of attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists and facilities.


The first Western journalist was killed in Syria’s uprising. An Arab League monitor resigned, calling the mission a farce and accusing the Syrian regime of war crimes.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed an intelligence officer and wounded seven more during an attack in Aden. President Saleh will travel to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment.