Yearly Archives: 2011


Pakistan – Army waiting for ‘uprising’ against foreigners in NWA


The Taliban killed an anti-Taliban militia leader and his son in an attack at a checkpoint in Bajaur. A Taliban leader who was captured in Karachi was freed on bail.


The Islamic Caucasus Emirate confirmed that Abdullah Magomedaliev, who is also known as Emir Daud, was killed along with six fighters by Russian security forces in Dagestan last week. Daud was involved in the planning and execution of suicide attacks.


The Taliban killed eight people in a bombing at a market in Uruzgan. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Wardak, Paktia, Nangarhar, and Kunduz.


Iran is the biggest threat to Iraq’s security, says Pentagon official


Salafists defend right to be part of new Egypt democracy


Contractors Are Accused in Large-Scale Theft of Food Aid in Somalia


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed an engineer in Diyala by strapping a bomb on his body and detonating it. Security forces detained five members of a cell thought to have executed the deadly bombing in Al Kut. The Promised Day Brigade claimed it executed eight attacks against US troops in six provinces.


Tribesmen loyal to President Saleh claimed to have captured 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters near the town of Shoqra. Tribesmen also accused Abdul Majid al Zindani of sending more than 300 al Qaeda fighters to battle Yemeni forces in Arhab and Naham.


A clinic in northern Mogadishu was evacuated and civilians in two districts fled as Shabaab and government forces clashed in the area. The government said it would continue to pursue Shabaab fighters.


Police killed a suicide bomber before he could detonate his car bomb after he rammed a police station in Maiduguri. Police believe he is a member of Boko Haram.


Twelve “militants” were killed in an IED attack in Khyber. US Predators killed four “militants” in a strike in North Waziristan. A Taliban commander was captured in Karachi.


Terrorists dressed as soldiers pulled seven men from a mosque in Yusafiyah and executed them. Four policemen were killed in a mortar attack in Musayab.


Security forces killed 26 people, including 14 women and children, in attacks in Arhab. Five al Qaeda fighters were killed in an airstrike in Abyan. Rival al Qaeda groups clashed in Jaar.


The Indian Navy seized a ship that recently left Iran and is carrying weapons thought to be destined for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Yemen. Iran denied that one of its vessels was seized. Iran urged the international community not to interfere with Syria’s “internal affairs.”


Security forces continued their assault on the port city of Latakia. More than 35 Syrians have been killed since troops and navy gunboats attacked the city on Aug. 13.


Security forces detained four men who attempted to plant explosives on a gas pipeline in Al Arish in the Sinai. The pipeline has been attacked five times this year.