Yearly Archives: 2011


Interview: US Special Envoy Marc Grossman On India-Pakistan Relations And Afghanistan’s Future


Nations Race to Defuse Crisis Between Egypt and Israel


The Taliban killed two soldiers in a bombing in Herat and executed a counterterrorism official in Kunar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Paktia, Logar, and Kunduz.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda’s Islamic State in Iraq said that it would carry out “100 attacks” to avenge the death of senior leaders, including Osama bin Laden. “By God’s will, the campaign starts in the middle of the fasting month [Ramadan] and ends by God’s will after 100 attacks exactly,” the group said.


Security forces detained 14 wanted men in Basrah, four members of an assassination squad in Baghdad, and a suicide bomber in Diyala. Insurgents killed a civilian in Anbar.


The government claimed that dozens of fighters loyal to Ali Mohsen and Abdul Majid al Zindani were killed during an attack on a military base in Arhab. Security forces killed four al Qaeda fighters in Abyan.


Officials claimed a “drone” crashed in at the Libyan embassy in Mogadishu. South Sudan said it would consider sending peacekeepers to Somalia.


Militants from Hamas and the PRC launched more than 50 rockets into Israel today, killing one person and wounding at least seven. Hamas’s military arm claimed responsibility for an attack on a home. Hostilities between Israel and the Palestinian leadership have escalated since the Aug. 18 attacks on Israeli civilians in Eilat.


Two US hikers who were arrested by Iranian forces and imprisoned in 2009 are said to have been sentenced to eight years in jail for allegedly entering the country illegally and spying. A third US hiker was released on bail last year.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed nine people, including a New Zealand soldier, in an attack on the British Council in Kabul. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, and Uruzgan.


Gunmen burst into a home in Maiduguri and killed three policemen and a civilian. Police blame the Islamist Boko Haram group for the attack.


Counterterrorism forces from the Rapid Action Battalion captured the emir of the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh and two operatives in the Kishoreganj district. Maulana Mohammad Yahiya took control of HUJI-B earlier this year.


US Defense Secretary Panetta said Iraq is negotiating to have the US remain in the country beyond 2011. Insurgents killed one Iraqi civilian in Mosul.


US defense chief says Iraq has consensus on extended US presence: report