Yearly Archives: 2011


Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader Wants Reforms Across The Arab World


Rebels continue to battle loyalist resistance in Tripoli, Sirte, and Sahba. The search for Gaddafi himself is ongoing. National Transitional Council head Mahmoud Jabril asked for Western financial aid to help restore services and stabilize the country.


Gunmen killed two traffic policemen in Bordj Bouararidj and stole their weapons; one other man was injured in the attack. Most of the increasingly numerous attacks in Algeria have been claimed by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Libyan Rebels Reportedly Used Tiny Canadian Surveillance Drone


The Taliban killed three policemen in Balkh and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktika, Nangarhar, Wardak, and Faryab. President Karzai pardoned five would-be suicide bombers.

Palestinian Territories

Militants from Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine fired five rockets into Israel, violating a two-day-old truce. Israeli airstrikes killed two militants, including an Islamic Jihad commander linked to recent operations in Sinai; four other militants were wounded.


Ten Lashkar-e-Islam fighters were killed in a bunker that was occupied and then mined by the Taliban in Khyber. The Lashkar-e-Khorasan executed a ‘US spy’ in North Waziristan. Police in Lahore arrested three men thought to be involved with the kidnapping of an American.


Insurgents killed 12 Iraqis in attacks throughout the country, including six policemen in a suicide attack in Ramadi. Security forces arrested nine terrorists in Iskandariyah.


Thirty-nine al Qaeda fighters and 11 Yemeni soldiers were killed during fighting in the southern province of Abyab. Fighting was reported in the cities of Zinjibar and Jaar, and the district of Maysameer.


Shabaab executed three government “spies” in Mogadishu and detained three more in Barawe. Sierra Leone said it would send a battalion of 850 troops to Somalia in April 2012.


Insurgents attacked a military checkpoint near the village of Taouarga in Bourmedes province, killing one soldier and injuring two more.


NATO airstrikes continue as Gaddafi loyalists still hold several districts in Tripoli and elsewhere. The rebels have put out a $1.7 million bounty for Gaddafi. A group of foreign journalists held by loyalists in a Tripoli hotel has been released.