Yearly Archives: 2011


The military said 25 Taliban fighters were killed and 17 troops were wounded in clashes in Arakzai. Prime Minister Gilani said that for US-Pakistan relations to be restored, the US must end drone attacks and not carry out an “Abbottabad-like unilateral action in future.”


The Taliban killed five Polish soldiers in an IED attack in Ghazni. Police killed a suicide bomber in Khost. The US Army has charged eight soldiers with the death of another soldier.


Prime Minister Maliki urged the Kurdish Regional Government to hand over Vice President Hashimi, who is wanted for terrorism charges. Insurgents killed an Awakening leader in Abu Ghraib. Security forces detained 16 suspected terrorists in Basrah.


Palestinian officials are concerned that al Qaeda-linked terror groups are on the rise in the Ein al Hilwah camp in Lebanon. Fatah al Islam, Jund al Sham, Asbar al Ansar, and a new group called Ansar Allah are conducting assassinations of Fatah officials while fighting amongst themselves.


Arab Spring yields different outcomes in Bahrain, Egypt and Libya


Security forces clashed with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters near the Malian border; no casualties have been reported. The clash took place after AQIM fighters attacked a police station in Adel Bagrou and kidnapped one officer.


Kenyan fighter planes killed 11 people during airstrikes on Shabaab fighters in Hosingow near the southern border. Five people were killed during fighting in the Daynile district in Mogadishu.


Iraqi PM asks Kurds to hand over Vice-President Hashemi


Pakistan – Aasia Bibi ‘very frail’, not been taken seriously: NGO


Moscow, eyeing US missile defense plans, announces work on 100-ton “monster” missile


Vice President Joe Biden said the Taliban is not the enemy of the US. ISAF said that night raids against the Taliban would continue. Ten Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Zabul.


Security forces detained eight members of the Punjabi Taliban during a security operation in Wana in South Waziristan. The head of the defense committee said the US would not end the pause in drone strikes unless a high-value target is spotted.


A suicide bomber attacked a police station in the village of Gubden in Dagestan’s Karabudakhkentsky district. No casualties or damage were reported. Dagestani leaders at a security summit described 2011 as “difficult in terms of terrorist and criminal situation” but said security had improved since 2010.


Tariq al-Hashimi Denies Ordering Assassinations in Iraq

Analysis: Arab Spring stretches Islamist tag to its limits


Clinton blasts Egypt’s ‘shocking’ treatment of women