Yearly Archives: 2011


Three Terrorist Groups in Africa Pose Threat to US, American Commander Says


Islamists’ Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya


Medal of Honor recipient highlights Marine’s valor as well as risks US troops faced under controversial rules of engagement


Eleven policemen, five civilians, and 11 Taliban fighters were killed during yesterday’s fighting in Kabul. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Zabul, Khost, and Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed 17 Iraqis in bombings and shooting in Hillah, Anbar, and Baghdad. Four policemen and two soldiers were among those killed in the attacks.


Twelve al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two civilians were killed in fighting in Zinjibar. Yemeni security forces killed 13 people during shelling in Arhab. Saudi armor is rumored to have entered the country to help quell uprisings.


The head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization said Iran needs to work out a new paradigm and model for defense against cyber attacks. A court set a $500,000 bail for two US hikers in custody for spying.


Dozens of tanks and hundreds of soldiers stormed 10 villages near Syria’s northwest border with Turkey. Security personnel launched raids in the provinces of Homs, Idlib, Damascus, and Hama. The Arab League called for “immediate change” in Syria and an end to the violence. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said the “Syrian people and I don’t […]


British police arrested Mona Thwany, the wife of Stockholm suicide bomber Taimour Abdulwahab, in Luton, UK. She is suspected of assisting in preparations for the attack. In Gothenburg, a court reduced charges from terrorism to murder for three men with alleged links to Shabaab ; the fourth suspect, Mohamed Adel Kulan, was released.


Mohyeldeen Mohammad, a 25-year-old radical Islamist who has praised al Qaeda and Shabaab and warned of a 9/11-type attack in Norway, returned to Norway after being arrested in Saudia Arabia and expelled from the country. Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has canceled an appearance in Oslo, at the apparent urging of Norwegian police.

Guantanamo recidivism rate climbs higher

During congressional testimony, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that the estimated recidivist rate for ex-Gitmo detainees has risen to 27 percent; 161 ex-Gitmo detainees are now either “confirmed” or “suspected” recidivists.


Islamists take aim at Libya rebels’ secular leaders

Al Qaeda

Nigeria militant group Boko Haram’s attacks attract speculation


Libya: Amnesty says rebels responsible for possible war crimes


Alarmed West dismisses Iran nuclear “charm offensive”