Yearly Archives: 2011


US officials are considering establishing a direct military hotline with Iran. Iranian forces would finish off the Kurdish rebel group, PJAK, “in the coming days”, said Iran’s ground forces commander. Iranian authorities have arrested a group of filmmakers and accused them of working for the BBC Persian service, which is banned in the country.

Saudi Arabia

A Saudi court has begun the trial of an al Qaeda cell that plotted to attack the Al-Udeid and As-Sailiyah US bases in Qatar. The cell consists of 41members and includes of 38 Saudis, a Qatari, an Afghan, and a Yemeni.


Security forces killed 28 protesters and opposition supporters after opening fire in the capital of Sana’a. The military deployed snipers to kill some of the civilians.


The Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a threatened to kill anyone who supports Shabaab. The government claimed it has prioritized famine aid for areas under Shabaab control, and accused Shabaab of selling aid.


The state security service offered a $160,000 reward for information leading to the capture of the mastermind behind a suicide bomb on UN headquarters in Abuja. Officials fear that Boko Haram will attack oil facilities.


Libya conflict: Black African migrants caught in backlash


Eighteen people were killed, including 10 Taliban fighters, a soldier, and four members of a peace committee in Khyber. Three Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed as the two groups fought over a downed US drone in South Waziristan. Militants killed three Turis in an attack on a bus in Kurram. The US Ambassador […]


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU commanders and fighters in Uruzgan, Khost, Paktia, Logar, Nangarhar, and Baghlan. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south.


National security service officers searched the offices of a mosque in Gothenburg in connection with the arrests of three men linked to a planned terror attack on an art gallery. A computer belonging to one of the mosque’s religious leaders was seized.


Insurgents killed a policeman in Kirkuk. Three children were killed after moving an explosive device to their home. The military said that “foreign Arabs” were responsible for the execution of 22 Shia in Anbar.


Government troops killed 20 protesters in Sana’a. The capital is under blackout after power lines were cut. The opposition denied Sheikh Zindani is a terrorist.


The government has banned all aid workers from entering Shabaab-held areas to distribute famine relief. Shabaab claimed to have captured three soldiers in Mogadishu.


Boko Haram released two videotapes of the suicide bomber who attacked the UN headquarters in Abuja. A relative of the slain former leader of Boko Haram was gunned down in Maiduguri.


Tumult of Arab Spring Prompts Worries in Washington


Security forces killed more than 70 Taliban fighters in Nuristan, and killed and captured several more in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, Paktia, Logar, Wardak, Baghlan, and Faryab. The Taliban killed nine civilians, including five children, in Faryab, and two ISAF soldiers in the south.


Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has signaled that Turkey could launch a joint operation with Iran against Kurdish militants’ main base in northern Iraq. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Turkey does not need the US to mediate its dispute with Israel.