Yearly Archives: 2011


Leader of Islamic charity sentenced to nearly 3 years in money smuggling case

Al Qaeda

20,000 Heat-Seeking Missiles Reportedly Feared Missing From Libyan Warehouse


Iran and Sudan stand together against western powers


Only 2 of 180 Afghan Battalions Can Operate Independently of US Forces

Pakistan’s Jihad continues

The report of the murder of a US Army major at a Pakistani base in Teri Mangal in 2007 is but the latest piece of evidence of that country’s duplicity.


Egypt gas pipeline attack raises questions about Sinai security


Fearing Change, Syria’s Christians Back Assad


US Predators killed three “militants” in North Waziristan. The Taliban destroyed three tankers carrying fuel for NATO. Tribesmen vowed to wage jihad against the US if it attacks Pakistan.


The Taliban killed 16 civilians, including 11 children, in an IED attack in Herat, and three policemen and two civilians in a suicide attack in Helmand. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Wardak, Baghlan, Kunduz, and Balkh.


Insurgents assassinated an Iraqi Army brigadier in a shooting in Baghdad. Iraq has agreed to buy 18 F-16 fighters from the US.


A suicide bomber driving a car packed with explosives targeted the convoy of Yemen’s defense minister in Aden. Ten soldiers were wounded in the blast; the minister was not hurt.


Civil Guards arrested five men suspected of supporting Islamist terrorists in North Africa. The men are accused of giving logistical and financial support to “terrorist groups that operate in the Algerian area of the Maghreb, specifically for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.”

AQAP releases 7th edition of Inspire

The seventh edition of Inspire celebrates the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, as well as a number of other attacks. The magazine uses a photo of New York’s Grand Central Station to promote a future article by Anwar al Awlaki.


Charges were filed against Mikael Davud, Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak, and David Jakobsen, who were arrested in July 2010 for plotting to attack a Danish newspaper. They are thought to have ties with al Qaeda operatives in Pakistan who planned bombings in New York and the UK. Bujak and Davud were charged additionally with planning […]


In a North Korean port city, foreign investment starts to flow