Yearly Archives: 2011


An Iraqi Army officer was killed in an IED attack in Shirgat. Iraqi forces captured a “finance minister” of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq.


Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemeni’s outgoing president, said he


Pakistan – Quetta’s Hindus demand govt to protect them from kidnappers, killers


Islamist parties won two-thirds of the vote in the second round of parliamentary elections. In competing rallies, thousands demonstrated for and against the Egyptian Army.


Police arrested two suspected Shabaab fighters in Mombasa and four more in Nairobi. The fighters are suspected of planning to carry out attacks in the two cities on Christmas Day.


Gun battles between Nigerian security forces and Boko Haram killed at least 68 people in two days of fighting in northern Nigeria. Nigeria’s army killed more than 50 members of the sect during fighting on Thursday and Friday in the northeastern city of Damaturu.


The Taliban killed a soldier and captured 15 more after overrunning a fort in Tank. The Taliban confirmed that a commander, Taj Gul Mehsud, was killed in a US drone strike in October. The military rejected ISAF’s findings on the Mohmand incident.


The US has completed the withdrawal of 10,000 troops from Afghanistan. The Taliban killed three civilians in Kandahar. Two Taliban fighters and an Afghan policeman were killed in fighting in Jawzjan and Zabul.


Armed With Phone, and Dangerous to Syria

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Yemeni officials claimed that Abdul Rahman Wuhayshi, the brother of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir, was killed yesterday in a US drone strike. His death has not been confirmed by AQAP.


Dozens of refugees were injured in a security operation by police in the Dadaab refugee camps in northeastern Kenya. The operation followed six explosions since early November, one of which killed a policeman on Dec. 19. Kenyan Defence Forces and Somalian troops advanced against Shabaab in Somalia’s Gedo region.


A resident of a refugee camp in Matabaan shot and killed three aid workers. Somali soldiers shot and killed a civilian in Mogadishu. The British government is considering providing direct military assistance to international troops fighting Shabaab in Somalia.