Yearly Archives: 2011


African Union and Somali forces claimed to have driven Shabaab from its last strongholds in the capital of Mogadishu. “As I am talking to you, we control the whole of Mogadishu main city,” General Mugisha said.


UK and US forces ‘rescue pirate-held Italian ship’


In western Iraq, a bloody American legacy


Security forces arrested 10 Islamic Jihad Union operatives who were plotting to carry out attacks during the upcoming presidential election. Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Uighurs are among those detained.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Ghazni and Paktika. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. The UN said detainees are tortured in Afghan prisons.


Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers using silenced pistols. Six members of a de-mining group were killed in an explosion north of Basrah. Iraq threatened to break military relations with the US and use private contractors to train their forces.


Security forces arrested “a terrorist group” in the Tawahi district in Aden. The terrorists were manufacturing explosive devices and “Jihadist publications” were also found.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that Anwar al Awlaki and Samir Khan were killed in a Predator airstrike in southern Yemen late last month. AQAP assailed the US for violating its own laws and principles by assassinating the two US citizens.


If US Leaves Vacuum in Iraq, Disliked Iran May Not Fill It


The EU expanded sanctions against Iran. Iran rejected a US direct “military hotline” proposal. Opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi was briefly freed from house arrest, a move indicating that authorities might ease conditions for him.


The National Council agreed on a democratic framework for a future Syria and wants international observers. The foreign minister warned other nations not to bestow legitimacy on the opposition group. Syria’s top Sunni cleric warned against military intervention and threatened retaliation in the US and Europe if Syria came under attack. The EU welcomed the […]


AMISOM claimed that its forces along with Somali troops have taken control of key areas in northern Mogadishu, including the Pasta Factory. Twelve civilians were killed during fighting in the capital.


Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf promises investigation of violence


The Taliban killed a policeman in Bannu and torched two NATO fuel tankers in Bolan. Pakistan contacted Saudi Arabia and Yemen about repatriating Osama bin Laden’s family.


The Taliban killed three civilians in Faryab and two ISAF soldiers in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, Logar, Nangarhar, and Kunduz.