Yearly Archives: 2011


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, Parwan, and Herat. Afghan special forces discovered an IED factory in Helmand. Afghan intelligence captured a Pakistani intelligence official in Kabul.


Afghanistan ‘will be unable to fight Taliban after Western withdrawal’


Insurgents stormed a police station in Hawijah and killed a pharmacist in Samarra. The government said Exxon violated the country’s laws when it struck a deal with the Kurdish Regional Government.


The Syrian crackdown on protesters continued. Both France and Turkey called for a humanitarian safe zone inside Syria. Defections from the Syrian Army reach 400 per day.


Protests calling for the military government to step down entered its sixth day. International criticism has begun as the death toll reached 38.

Vestiges of Mubarak’s Order Stifle Birth of New Egypt


President Saleh is in Saudi Arabia, where he is expected to sign an agreement to transfer power to his deputy. The Red Cross confirmed that three of their workers, including a French national, have been kidnapped in Lahj.


Kenyan warplanes struck Shabaab camps in the Gedo region; no casualties were reported. Shabaab is suspected of murdering two boys in Mogadishu.


US Clashes With Baghdad Over Fate of Last Detainee


Analysts: Egyptian civil unrest to escalate despite military’s efforts


The Taliban killed four civilians in Laghman and two ISAF troops in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Paktia, Pakitka, and Wardak.


Police detained 15 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids at several locations in the city of Konya. Police did not provide further details on the al Qaeda suspects.


The US has transferred all detainees, save Hezbollah leader Musa Ali Daqduq, over to Iraqi control. Police killed a suicide bomber in Mosul.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The military said 19 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including two Somalis, an Algerian, and an Egyptian, were killed in fighting near Zinjibar. “Gunmen” kidnapped two foreigners and their driver in Lahj province.


Hezbollah may take over Beirut if Syrian President Assad falls


Army defectors escalate Syrian uprising


Libya’s Toughest Test May Be Building an Army