Yearly Archives: 2011


Iraq, Turkey end bans on flights, open skies to other country’s planes


Italy: Muslims protest police ‘cataloguing’ at Treviso mosque


Iraq: Mosul Christians ‘terrorized’ and ‘ready to leave’


In Egypt’s New Uprising, Where Is the Muslim Brotherhood?


Lobbying by Iranian Group M.E.K. Reaches Across Party Lines


Heavily armed gunmen apprehended four Westerners at a restaurant in Timbuktu, a city in the north where al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is active. A German man was shot dead, and a Swede, a South African, and a Dutchman were kidnapped.


Rival protests reveal a divided Egypt


Turkey seen as door to Syrian “humanitarian corridor”


Libya offered to supply the Syrian opposition with arms and fighters. Iraq’a Foreign Minister said it was “not possible” to impose economic sanctions on Syria due to its commercial ties with Iraq and the large number of Iraqi refugees there.


The IRGC aerospace commander warned that Tehran will target the NATO missile shield in Turkey if Iran is attacked. The chief of Iran’s Qods Force says he doesn’t fear US threats of assassination and is ready for “martyrdom.” Iran announced it will soon conduct a massive naval war game, code-named Velayat 90.


At least 13 insurgents were killed and 17 suspects detained by Afghan police in the last 24 hours. US Marines turned over responsibility of a base in Helmand to the Afghan National Army. Separately, US and Afghan forces captured a wanted Taliban leader in Garmsir district.


Insurgents killed 15 Iraqis in bombings and attacks in Baghdad and Anbar provinces. The US Army said the Iran-backed Asaib al Haq is stepping up attacks to “to give the impression that our forces are being chased and forced to leave.”


The military killed more than 80 tribesmen who overran a Yemeni Army base in Arhab. Tribemen in Modia in Abyan captured al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir for the town and killed six fighters.


Five people were killed in Galgudud as Shabaab forces battled a militia from the pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a. Shabaab took control of the town but was then driven out by ASWJ fighters.


The military is investigating the deaths of four men who were killed at sea; the military said it believed the men were Shabaab fighters. Police arrested five suspected Shabaab fighters in Lamu.


A district police chief and a civilian were wounded in an IED attack in northern Sar-i-Pul province. Seventy-two Afghan Local Police graduated from a US-mentored training program in Baghlan province. ISAF is investigating claims Coalition forces killed seven civilians in an airstrike in Zhari district, Kandahar province.


Analysis: Arab League breaks habit, turns on Syria


Iraq executed 12 al Qaeda members who were convicted for the massacre of 70 people at a wedding. A string of bombings in Basra killed 19 people on Thursday evening and injured dozens more. Militants attacked a security checkpoint in Fallujah, killing one soldier and injuring three others.