Yearly Archives: 2011


Security forces killed and captured several al Qaeda and Taliban operatives in Kandahar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Nangarhar, and Wardak. The Taliban killed an Afghan soldier in Baghlan. President Karzai urged Pakistan to attend the Bonn conference.


Pakistan blocks BBC World News TV channel over critical documentary


Violent protesters in Tehran broke into the UK embassy during a demonstration against sanctions imposed by Britain. Militant students removed the British flag, burnt it and replaced it with Iran’s flag. In the second British diplomatic compound, in Tehran’s north, between 100 and 300 protesters burst in and occupied the property. The state news agency […]

US Error Puts Afghanistan’s Counternarcotics Progress at Risk


The Brigades of Abdullah Azzam, a militant group linked to al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for an overnight rocket attack from southern Lebanon against Israel. Two buildings in Israel’s western Galilee area were damaged by the attack.


A court has sentenced to death a Tunisian man accused of throwing an explosive device at the French embassy in Mali’s capital in January. Mali has stepped up security in Timbuktu and other tourist destinations after three Europeans were kidnapped and another was killed in Mali last week.


Ongoing clashes between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a, a Sufi militia, left scores dead in the Galgadud region. Britain will seek to build consensus to tackle instability and piracy in Somalia, when it hosts a major international conference on Feb. 23. Aid groups warned of disaster in Somalia if the Shabaab ban against aid […]


Rival brigades pose most pressing Libyan problem, UN envoy says


Egypt elections: arguments rage in Cairo ahead of poll


Tahrir protesters don’t speak for all in anxious Egypt


Syria’s neighbors may soften sanctions blow


Egypt election: Long queues in first post-Mubarak vote


A suicide bomber slammed a car packed with explosives into the gate of al-Hout prison north of Baghdad, killing at least 19 people. In central Baghdad, an explosion in a car park at Iraq’s parliament killed at least one person and wounded several others, including a politician.