Yearly Archives: 2011

Former top Israeli general says explosions that reportedly hit Iranian nuclear sites were not accidents


The military killed 12 “militants” during fighting in Kurram. The Taliban killed the head of a “peace committee” in Hangu.


ISAF said Pakistan has resumed some cooperation to prevent border incidents. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Logar, and Wardak. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


Anbar’s provincial council said it would declare autonomy in the next week. Prime Minister Maliki said Iraq would accept US soldiers as military trainers. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and five civilians in Samarra.


A “mysterious” blast damaged parts of a uranium conversion plant near Isfahan earlier this week, despite Iranian claims that the blast occurred during a military maneuver on Monday. New satellite images show the massive destruction of Iran’s long-range missile research base which blew up on Nov. 17 after “technicians performed a volatile procedure involving a […]


Fighting between Shia Houthi rebels and Sunni Islamists wounded at least 26 people in north Yemen. Gunmen killed two Yemeni soldiers in the main southern city of Aden as thousands rallied there to call for secession from the north. Forces loyal to Yemeni President Saleh shelled several neighborhoods in the city of Taiz, killing one […]


Police and intelligence officers captured Hussein Ahaddin, an al Qaeda-linked bomber, suspected in at least six attacks, including a 2002 karaoke bar explosion that killed an American Green Beret and a hotel blast this week that killed three people. Police officials said Ahaddin was captured in a remote Zamboanga village called Muti after an antiterror […]


Egypt elections: Muslim Brotherhood claims it is leading


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed five people in an attack on a military base in Mogadishu. Shabaab killed six civilians in an IED attack and dismembered two men accused of robbery in Lafole.


Abousfian Abdelrazik, a Canadian from Sudan, was taken off the UN’s terrorist blacklist. He was arrested in Sudan in 2003 and deemed an al Qaeda supporter by the US in 2006. He returned to Canada in 2009 and has already been cleared of terror allegations there.


British Embassy Assault in Iran Dramatizes Internal Feud


Satellite Views Show Destruction From Blast at Iran Site