Yearly Archives: 2011


Insurgents killed eight Iraqis in attacks in Taji and Sharqat. The government executed six terrorists. The US has transferred control of the Victory base complex to the Iraqi military.


Kenyan warplanes attacked Shabaab bases in Bardhere; no casualties have been reported. Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Abu Musab said the terror group would conduct further suicide attacks in Mogadishu.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Security forces detained Mohamed Salem Ould Mohamed Lemine, a radical Salafist preacher who supports al Qaeda, during a raid in Nouakchott. Eighteen other Salafists were also arrested.

United Kingdom

Muslims Against Crusades, a banned British group, protested outside the US Embassy in London against US drone strikes on terrorists in Pakistan. At least 20 protesters were arrested.

Al Qaeda

Mansoor Ijaz, the man who stirred up Pakistan’s ‘Memogate’ storm


The Taliban killed three Afghan police in Baghlan and kidnapped seven Pakistani engineers in Logar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Lorgar, Wardak, and Nangarhar. Twelve insurgents reconciled with the government in Balkh.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri claims responsibility for kidnapping American


Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in a bombing in Khalis and eight more in shootings that targeted the families of former Awakening officials in Buhriz. An insurgent died in a premature detonation while planting an IED in Mosul.


The German Federal Prosecutor’s Office says Iran plans to attack US Air Force bases in Germany to disrupt supplies should Iran’s nuclear program become the target of airstrikes. Israeli officials claim Iran is developing advanced cruise missiles capable of carrying nonconventional warheads. Iran has released 11 hardline protesters detained for storming the British Embassy and […]


Somalia’s prime minister has asked Qatar to help reconciliation efforts between the various Somali factions and to assist with reconstruction. A Burundian defense official says the African Union Mission in Somalia must double the size of its peacekeeping force in order to hold territory secured in Mogadishu and move into Shabaab areas outside the capital. […]


The Singapore-registered chemical tanker MT Gemini was released yesterday, 215 days after it was hijacked off the Kenyan coast. Somali pirates released 21 of the tanker’s crew members, but took four South Korean nationals ashore to a safe haven in Somalia. Kenyan forces continue to pursue al Shabaab fighters who stormed a Kenyan security post […]