Yearly Archives: 2011


Blast That Leveled Base Seen as Big Setback to Iran Missiles


Five civilians were killed in a Taliban IED attack on a minibus in Uruzgan. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Ghazni, Logar, and Balkh.


Twenty-two Iraqis were killed in a car bomb attack that targeted Shia pilgrims in Hillah. Most of those killed were women and children; more than 60 civilians were wounded.


At least a dozen Syrian secret police have defected from an intelligence compound. The main opposition leader said that a post-Assad regime would would drop special ties to Iran. The Arab League won’t lift sanctions against Syria even after the country accepted its proposal on observers.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas is abandoning its headquarters in Syria and looking at other Arab states for a replacement. In response, Iran threatened to cut Hamas’ funds and arms supply.


Prime Minister Ali said the Somali government is ready to negotiate with Shabaab. Four people were killed as Kenyan troops clashed with Shabaab fighters in Qoogani. A security guard was killed after “gunmen” attack a Turkish hospital in Mogadishu.


A policeman was killed and three more were wounded in an IED attack on their vehicle at the Daadab refugee camp. Shabaab is known to operate at the camp.


New eyewitness reports say that minutes after suicide bomber Taimour Abdulwahab blew himself up in downtown Stockholm on Dec. 11, 2010, an unidentified man took photographs of the body, then disappeared. The pictures have not been published.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kapisa. India pledged to train more than 30,000 Afghan troops. Australia said it may withdraw its troops prior to 2014.


The Iranian military claimed it shot down a US stealth RQ-170 drone in eastern Iran. ISAF said one of its UAVs crashed in western Afghanistan and said there was no indication it was shot down.


Insurgents killed four policemen in Abu Ghraib. Two insurgents were killed in a premature detonation. Iraq is seeking help from Gulf countries to secure its airspace.


IDF fears terrorists ready for next Sinai border attack


Obama to Pakistan’s president: NATO bombing not deliberate attack, US committed to full probe


Factbox: Policies of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s party


Islamist success is democracy at work: Egypt’s Moussa


Shabaab shut down medical clinics in Afgoye. Somalia was listed along with North Korea as the most corrupt nations on the planet.


Boko Haram killed six policemen in an attack on police stations and a bank in Azare in Bauchi state. The father of Boko Haram spokesman Usman Al-Zawahiri said his son is insane.