Yearly Archives: 2011


After Serving as Somalia’s Prime Minister, Back to Work in Buffalo


Saudi Arabia may join nuclear arms race: ex-spy chief


A suicide bomber killed 54 Afghans as they celebrated Ashura in Kabul. The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi claimed it executed the attack. Four more Afghans were killed in a bombing in Mazar-i-Sharif. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, and Paktia.


The Kenyan military said dozens of Shabaab fighters and 11 Somali troops were killed during recent fighting in the south. A suicide bomber killed two policemen and two civilians soldiers at a checkpoint in Mogadishu. A Somali military court sentenced eight Shabaab fighters to death.

Nervous Gulf stresses unity amid Iran tensions


A district court charged three men, Abdi Aziz Mahamud, a Somali living in Sweden, and Salar Sami Mahamood and Abdi Weli Mohamud, both Swedish citizens, with plotting to murder cartoonist Lars Viks. Shabaab material was found on a computer belonging to one of the suspects.


Pakistan – In the ‘name’ of God: Violence erupts in sectarian hotbed


Prosecutors announced that charges are “imminent” for four Swedish-based men arrested last year for plotting an attack on the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Copenhagen. Munir Awad, Omar Abdalla, Mounir Dhahri, and Sahbi Zalouti will likely face trial in spring 2012.


Egypt’s Legislature Faces Islamist Split

Analysis: Cold War with Iran heats up across Mideast


Islamists seek to extend gains in Egypt run-off vote


Kavkaz Center, a propaganda arm of the Islamic Caucasus Emirates, said that Agzhan Hasen and four other “Kazakh Mujahideen” were killed during a clash in southern Kazakhstan last weekend that also killed two policemen. Hasen was described as the group’s “emir.”