Yearly Archives: 2011


Shabaab claimed credit for a suicide attack that killed Somalia’s interior minister. Shabaab said the bomb was “planted in his home by the mujahideen, and specifically under his bed,” according to a translation of the statement provided by the SITE Intelligence Group.


The Taliban killed 15 civilians in a bombing in Kandahar, a police chief and an officer in a suicide attack in Khost, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Kunduz.


Iraqi officials requested that Congressman Rohrabacher leave the country after saying Iraq should pay the US for the cost of liberating the country. Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in attacks in Mosul and Tikrit. A US soldier was killed on June 8 while conducting combat operations in southern Iraq.

Al Qaeda

Announcement of Hamza bin Laden as Osama bin Laden successor posted, immediately removed on jihadi forums


Yemen’s Saleh health ‘bad’ a week after blast


The Defense Ministry claimed that 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and 19 soldiers were killed during clashes in Lawdar and Zinjibar. Six soldiers and three “gunmen” were killed in Lahj.

Al Qaeda

Somali troops killed Fazul Abdullah Mohammed during a shootout at a checkpoint near Mogadishu on June 8. Fazul was the head of al Qaeda in East Africa and a senior Shabaab commander. He was wanted for the 1998 suicide attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and other terror attacks.


Iraq will ask US troops to stay post-2011, says Panetta


Norway – Jewish community ‘disappointed’ over Muslim apology