Yearly Archives: 2011


A suicide bomber killed three policemen and a civilian in an attack outside a police headquarters in Basrah. Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Mosul and an imam in Balad.


“Islamic militants” killed a colonel and two soldiers in Zinjibar in Abyan province. Three “Islamic extremists” were killed in airstrikes in Jaar, also in Abyan. More than 40,000 have fled the fighting in Abyab.


A Shabaab fighter killed a woman after opening fire on a group of teenagers playing soccer in Mogadishu. AMISOM vowed to take control of the Bakara market in Mogadishu.

Al Qaeda

The Al Tahadi jihadist forum purportedly published a video, supposedly produced by As Sahab, that announced that Hamza bin Laden, Osama’s son, was appointed the new leader of al Qaeda. The video was quickly removed from the forum.


The Taliban denied it carried out yesterday’s deadly bombing at a market in Peshawar that killed 39 people. Three people were wounded in an IED attack in Islamabad. Security forces detained a suicide bomber in Karachi.


Afghan officials claimed Pakistan will target sanctuaries of Taliban leaders who refuse to engage in peace talks with the Afghan government. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Ghazni, Helmand, Wardak, and Badghis. The Taliban killed two school boys in Paktia.


Silence envelops eastern Afghanistan’s biggest city as zealots wage war on music


In an attack in Baksan, “militants” killed the colonel in charge of the Counter Extremism Center of Kabardino-Balkaria’s Interior Ministry. In Dagestan, security forces killed three Caucasus Emirate operatives, including the commander in charge of a failed Moscow attack.


Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul, and a former Army officer and his son in Khanaqin. An Air Force major general from Anbar province and three of his brothers who were detained two months ago was released from prison.


Iran’s air force chief claimed that US-made F-14 fighters are still operational as engineers are “reverse engineering” parts for the warplanes. The army chief said it successfully test-fired a domestically made anti-aircraft missile system.


Syrian troops have begun their assault on Jisr al Shoughour, where an army mutiny last week resulted in the deaths of 120 troops. The military has deployed tanks and helicopter gunships, and is shelling the town with artillery.


Egyptian intelligence detained an Israeli man for “spying on Egypt with the aim of harming its economic and political interests.” The Israeli was identified as Ilan Chaim Grabel and is said to work for Mossad.

Al Qaeda

Panetta warns Pakistani intelligence officials on collusion with militants