Yearly Archives: 2011


Mauritanian security forces inflicted “heavy” losses on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters in an attack on a camp in a forest in Wagadou in western Mali. Fighting at the camp was described as “fierce.”


The Taliban killed five people in a bombing in Kunduz and a policeman in a suicide bombing in Helmand. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Ghazni, Khost, Kunduz, and Sar-i-Pul.


Insurgents killed two civilians and two policemen in Baghdad, Mosul, and Tikrit. Security forces arrested 27 suspected terrorists in Diyala.


A Shabaab official and local residents claimed that helicopters attacked two military camps in Qandal just outside of Kismayo. Two Shabaab fighters were killed; “foreign fighters” were reported to be training at the camps.


The US, France, and Britain accused Iran of “alarming” violations of UN Security Council sanctions of its nuclear program. Russia and China are blocking a UN report that implicates Iran. The US imposed sanctions on Iran Air, Tidewater Middle East Co., and other firms.


Security forces killed 15 anti-regime protesters at rallies in Homs and Al Kasweh, a suburb of Damascus. Security forces are also continuing operations in villages along the border with Turkey.


Security forces launched a “major operation” against al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters situated in the Nara area along the border with Mali. Mauritanian forces have established a joint command center with Malian forces to coordinate efforts.

United States

The Department of Justice arrested and charged two Muslim men of conspiring to murder US soldiers at a recruiting and processing center in Seattle. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh were informed on by another Muslim who pretended to be a member of the cell.

Bin Laden’s courier tied to Pakistani-backed terror group

The New York Times reports that Osama bin Laden’s courier was found to be in contact with members of Harakat ul Mujahedin (HUM), a terrorist organization long backed by Pakistan’s spy agency. Leaked Guantanamo files provide more details about the relationship between HUM and al Qaeda.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul Khost, Paktika, Laghman, and Balkh. An ISAF helicopter crashed in Zabul; no casualties were reported.


Military Leaders: We Would Have Handled Afghan War Drawdown Differently


Afghan analysis gives high marks to special ops, but not rest of Petraeus campaign


Insurgents killed 34 people, including a civilian US contractor, in several bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained four insurgents in Kirkuk.

Vice-president Hadi battles against Saleh’s son for control in Yemen


US official calls for immediate, peaceful transfer of power in Yemen

Dutch court acquits anti-Islam lawmaker


Soldiers killed a man in Dharkenley who was thought to have been planting an IED. A senior Shabaab official was killed during recent fighting in Beletweyne. The pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Ja’ama shut down a radio station.