Yearly Archives: 2011


Afghan Defense Ministry: Pakistan Should Focus on Counterterrorism Instead of Attacking Afghanistan


The Taliban killed five French soldiers in a suicide attack in Kapisa and an ISAF soldier in an attack in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, IMU, and HIG leaders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, and Baghlan. The governor of Helmand survived an IED attack.


US team eyes Iraq weapons trail back to Iran


Insurgents killed four civilians in attacks in Baghdad, Kabala, and Kirkuk. The Iranian ambassador to Iraq was wounded in an accident in the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Al Qaeda

July 7 bombings were last successful al-Qaeda attack Osama bin Laden played a role in, US claims


Europe Tries to Curb US Role in Tracking Terrorists’ Funds


Opposition leader and former prime minister Saad Hariri lashed out at Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah for its opposition to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which investigated the murder of his father and indicted four senior Hezbollah leaders and operatives.


Iran is preparing to install centrifuges designed for high-grade uranium enrichment in an underground bunker. Iraqi Kurds accused Iran of building roads inside Iraqi territories.


Shabaab arrested two Somalis who work for UNICEF and ICRC in Baidoa, and detained eight people in Eldher. The UNB declared Somalia the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.


Boko Haram killed three people in a roadside bomb attack that struck a van at a police checkpoint in the city of Maiduguri in the state of Borno. The University of Maiduguri closed due to threats from Boko Haram.