Yearly Archives: 2011


Security forces detained a hotel manager and a tour guide in connection to the kidnapping of two Frenchmen in Hombori. The two were kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb. Tourism has plummeted since the spate of recent kidnappings.


Prime Minister Gilani said President Zardari went to Dubai for medical treatment after receiving death threats. Five Taliban fighters and a policeman were killed during a clash in Peshawar. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Tank.


Obama confronted al-Maliki on “secret alliance” with Sadr – White House source


Inside Syria: Soldiers defecting to join rebels

Falluja celebrates the US withdrawal by burning American and Israel flags


Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander and three of his bodyguards in Kandahar. A roadside bomb killed the Reg district governor in Helmand province. Britain may withdraw its forces from Afghanistan in 2013.


Russian soldiers shot dead four suspected rebel fighters in a mountainous area of Kabardino-Balkaria. Insurgents killed a senior police investigator in the Caspian Sea port of Kaspiisk. Three Russian Army engineers were injured by a remote-controlled bomb in Ingushetia.


IRGC General Gholam Reza Jalali says Iran will move its uranium enrichment facilities to safer locations underground if necessary. Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if attacked. Iran and Saudi Arabia held a rare high-level security meeting in Riyadh.


Syrian government troops attacked the rebellious city of Hama with an armored assault. For the second time in two day, rebels attacked Syrian army troops, killing 8. A US State Department official said “Our view is that this regime is the equivalent of dead men walking.”


Egypt held its second round of parliamentary elections; Islamist parties won 65 percent of the seats in the first round. Rival Islamic parties are seeking to extent their first round lead.


What the Salafists Want: Egypt Faces a Hardline Islamic Future


Syria: Christmas celebrations ‘muted in solidarity with opposition’


Hamas marks anniversary, hails Arab Spring Islamists


Iran may soon start nuclear work in bunker: sources


Liege attacks: Belgian gunman Nordine Amrani had ‘grudge against society’


Clashes erupted south of Tripoli last night, just after local officials agreed on a ceasefire following a standoff between the town of Zintan and the neighboring El Mashasha tribe. Nearly 600 protesters staged a second day of demonstrations in the eastern city of Benghazi expressing their discontent with the country’s new interim leaders.


Kenyan troops and their Somali allies said they will push deeper into insurgent-controlled territory in Somalia now that rains have stopped. Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki called on the Somali leaders and rebel factions to stop their “senseless civil war.”