Yearly Archives: 2011


Insurgents killed eight people in bombings in Karbala. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah and five more in Karbala. The US turned over more than 200 prisoners, including two of Saddam Hussein’s half-brothers and a former defense minister, to Iraqi custody.


Security forces opened fire on protesters in the cities of Damascus, Idlib, and Deir al-Zour. Fourteen people were killed by security forces during the anti-regime protests.


Officials Say Bombers in Attack on Mumbai Had Some Training

Pentagon reveals 24,000 files stolen in cyber-attack


The Taliban killed two soldiers in an IED attack in South Waziristan. A dangerous Lashkar-e-Jhangvi commander was freed from prison. Police arrested a Taliban commander in Karachi.


Russia’s special representative for Africa said Libyan prime minister Baghdadi al-Mahmudi told him recently that if the rebels seize Tripoli, governmental forces will fire missiles at the city and blow it up.


A suicide bomber killed four people, including two senior clerics, in an attack at a mosque during a ceremony for Ahmed Wali Karzai. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east and torched six ISAF fuel tankers. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, and Logar; […]


The US is reported to have killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike in Abyan. The AQAP fighters recently overran a police station in the province.


Security forces killed eight people while targeting anti-regime elements throughout the country. The US said the UN Security Council is split over sanctioning Syria for its nuclear program.


A Hezbollah Member of Parliament said the terror group has no intentions of disarming. “Hezbollah will keep its weapons and will not be affected by any views or any US-Israeli innovation or the [Special Tribunal for Lebanon] so long as Israel maintains an arsenal of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction,” Hussein Mousawi said.


Iran tightens online censorship to counter US ‘shadow internet’


Police arrested 15 al Qaeda operatives during raids in Ankara, Yalova, and Bursa, and seized 1,500 lbs of explosives as well as weapons. The al Qaeda cell was plotting to attack the US Embassy in Ankara and other foreign targets.