Yearly Archives: 2011


Analysis: Iraq resumes political strife in vacuum left by U.S.


Four masked gunmen broke into a house in the Dagestani city of Caspiisk and killed Colonel Magomed Radzhabov. Radzhabov was serving as deputy head of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB’s Border Guards Service in Dagestan.


Abdul Baqi Raghbat, the former director of border and tribal affairs in Kandahar province, was assassinated in Kandahar city. Eighteen civilians and two policemen were wounded when a man threw grenades at a police vehicle in Khost City. Four insurgents were killed and 24 wounded during combined security operations.


The last convoy of US combat troops has left Iraq, ending nearly eight years of occupation. Iraqi forces detained eight terrorists in Karbala.


Four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two Yemeni soldiers were killed during fighting near Zinjibar. General Ali Mohsen supports the peace deal with the government and has begun withdrawing his forces from Sana’a.


For the third day, protestors and security forces clashed in Tahrir Square. Anger was stoked by images of a military police officer beating a woman.


Shabaab fighters beheaded three men they accused of spying in the Lower Jubba region. Clashes between Ahlu Sunnah militiamen and armed government supporters in Galgudud province left at least 10 dead. A local journalist was killed in Mogadishu by a man in a Somali government uniform.


The Taliban killed a Pakistani Army officer and two soldiers in an IED attack in Kurram. Security forces detained the emir and four cell members of the Al Badar group in Karachi.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Logar, Kunar, and Kunduz. Afghan forces freed 11 captured policemen in Badakhshan. Germany will withdraw 100 soldiers in January 2012.


Security forces killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters near Zinjibar in Abyan province. AQAP fighters killed two soldiers outside of Zinjibar.


Analysis: Russia’s Syria shift a bid to guard image, interests


The Intelligence Ministry claimed it arrested a “US spy” who was trained in Iraq and Afghanistan. The foreign minister urged Afghanistan not to permit US drones to operate in its airspace.

African Union

Mogadishu dares to dream of a new future as militants are driven from Somali capital


Three Boko Haram fighters were killed after their explosives detonated prematurely at their bomb factory in Maiduguri. Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed a policeman in Kano.