Monthly Archives: December 2011

United States

Waad Ramadan Alwan, a former Iraqi insurgent, pled guilty to terror charges in a Kentucky federal court. He came to the US as a refugee in 2009, and in 2010 was arrested along with Mohanad Shareef Hammadi for attempting to send money and weapons to al Qaeda in Iraq.


Canada – Tories’ ‘most-wanted’ list thwarts efforts to deport alleged war criminals


Twenty Taliban fighters and a Pakistani soldier were killed in a clash in Arakzai after the Taliban hit a military convoy with an IED. Twenty-five Pakistani soldiers were wounded while repelling the attack.


Khadzhimurad Kamalov, a journalist and founder of the political newspaper Chernovik (‘Rough Copy’), was shot dead in the republic of Dagestan. Journalists at Chernovik, known for its independent reporting on corruption in the local administration, have been routinely persecuted for their work.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Hemand, Kandahar, Khost, Paktia, Logar, and Wardak. A Taliban fighter lobbed grenades at a police station in Kabul; no one was injured.


Russia seized 18 pieces of Sodium-22, a radioactive metal, from the suitcase of a passenger who was traveling to Iran. The military said it would shoot down any US drones that violate its airspace.


The US released Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq to Iraqi custody. Daqduq was tasked by Iran to train the Mahdi Army to operate like Hezbollah, and was also involved in the murder of five US soldiers in Karbala in January 2007.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Algeria and Mauritania’s leaders vowed to beef up security in the Sahel region, where Islamist militants are holding a dozen Western hostages. Security analysts warn that al-Qaeda’s North African branch seeks to turn the region into “a new Somalia.”

United States

Families of 9/11 victims won a default judgment in a Manhattan federal court against Iran, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and al Qaeda. The court found that Imad Mugniyah, a senior Hezbollah operative, had served as a liaison between Iran and al Qaeda and helped Osama bin Laden develop a suicide bombing strategy.


Amid Claims of More Captured Drones, a Report on Their Vulnerability


The Pakistani government continues to insist the US strike in Mohmand that killed 24 Pakistani troops was a deliberate attack on the military. Police thwarted a terrorist attack in Laki Marwat.


Afghanistan has recalled its ambassador from Qatar for “consultations,” the Afghan foreign ministry announced, amid media reports over the opening of a Taliban office in Qatar. Nearly 250 Taliban fighters, including a wanted commander, surrendered to authorities in Badghis. Two Taliban commanders were killed in Nimroz.


Eurozone crisis poses military risk, warns defence chief General Sir David Richards


Shabaab fighters blocked two International Committee of the Red Cross convoys carrying emergency food aid. Aid worker sources said Shabaab wanted to check “the quality” of the food. The Somali Peace Alliance has welcomed Djiboutian peacekeeping forces to help stabilize Somalia.