Monthly Archives: August 2011


A Taliban suicide assault team killed nine people, including a New Zealand soldier, in an attack on the British Council in Kabul. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, and Uruzgan.


Gunmen burst into a home in Maiduguri and killed three policemen and a civilian. Police blame the Islamist Boko Haram group for the attack.


Counterterrorism forces from the Rapid Action Battalion captured the emir of the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh and two operatives in the Kishoreganj district. Maulana Mohammad Yahiya took control of HUJI-B earlier this year.


US Defense Secretary Panetta said Iraq is negotiating to have the US remain in the country beyond 2011. Insurgents killed one Iraqi civilian in Mosul.


US defense chief says Iraq has consensus on extended US presence: report


Venezuela rejects US criticism of terrorism effort

US military develops ‘bigger bang’ explosive material


Five “Islamists” were killed in airstrikes in the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-controlled city of Zinibar. The Yemeni government claimed opposition figures were behind the assassination attempt against President Saleh.


Shabaab arrested 15 people in Afgoye for failing to fast during Ramadan. Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki denied reports that he supports Shabaab.