Monthly Archives: August 2011


The military claimed it killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. The head of the Shura Council died from wounds suffered in the June 3 assassination attempt that targeted President Saleh.


President Gaddafi’s son, Saif al Islam, appeared at a hotel in Tripoli to disprove reports from rebels that he was captured last weekend. Saif claimed that government forces are still in control of the capital and have lured the rebels into a trap.


The US is investigating if a group calling itself al Qaeda in the Sinai was involved in last week’s attacks in southern Israel that killed eight Israelis. The Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees or the al Qaeda-linked Army of Islam may have been involved in the attacks.


US, NATO concerned about Libya’s stockpile of weapons


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktika, Kapisa, and Baghlan. The Taliban killed two civilians in Helmand and an ISAF soldier in the south.


US Predators killed four “militants” in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Taliban torched 19 tankers in Baluchistan that were carrying fuel for NATO forces in Afghanistan.


Pakistan – To defeat terrorism sports academies in KP, FATA planned


Insurgents killed a police officer in Mosul. “Gunmen” kidnapped a Navy officer in Basrah. Security forces arrested 20 members of an assassination gang in Baghdad.


Iran has begun to transfer uranium enrichment centrifuges from the facility in Natanz to an installation in Fordow, near Qom. The IAEA said the move was a “further deviation” from UN Security Council sanctions.


Thirty people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Somali forces in Buzar. Shabaab forces looted eight trucks carrying food to famine victims south of Mogadishu. A military official said the government would launch an offensive against Shabaab in Lower and Middle Jubba.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden’s wife and five children still imprisoned in Pakistan


New Zealand PM defends role of special forces in Afghanistan after soldier’s death


Police arrested Abdellatif Aoulad Chiba for plotting to poison water supplies. Chiba, a Moroccan, obtained manuals to make poisons and explosives on Islamist web forums.