Monthly Archives: August 2011


Mali security officials claimed that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has abandoned camps in the western area of the country after military operations there. Officials believe AQIM fighters have relocated to the northeastern part of the country that borders with Algeria and Niger.


Second night of Israeli strikes on Gaza after rocket fire


Mushahid for cooperation with China on war against terrorism


Pakistan – Govt to promote soft image of Pakistan via media: Firdous


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Logar, Sar-i-Pul, and Jawzjan. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south. Three civilians and a policeman were killed in Zabul after police tried to halt a funeral to recover the bodies of suspected Taliban leaders.


Pakistan – LEAs arrested 3,143 terrorists in three years, NA told


Chidambaram says Indian terrorists behind Mumbai blasts


A field commander says Libyan rebels regrouping for major new push toward Tripoli


Iraqi troops killed a policeman and a boy during a raid in Tikrit. The Mahdi Army’s Promised Day Brigade claimed it carried out 16 attacks against US forces during July.


Ten people were killed as Somali troops looted aid for famine victims at camps in Mogadishu. US Secretary of State Clinton called on Shabaab to allow humanitarian relief to pass through territory it controls.


Rebels claimed that Khamis Gaddafi, one of the sons of the Libyan president, was killed in an airstrike that targeted and killed 32 soldiers in Zlitan. NATO did not confirm that Khamis was killed.


President Aquino met with Al Haj Murad Ibrahim, the leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, in Tokyo. Abu Sayyaf kidnapped a midwife in Barangay Tagbak.