Monthly Archives: August 2011


Anti-regime activists claimed that 59 people have been killed by Syrian security forces throughout the country. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have recalled their ambassadors from Damascus.


Four people were killed during fighting between government and Shabaab forces in a village near Mogadishu. Four more were killed in fighting in Luk.


Marines claimed they killed three Abu Sayyaf fighters during a clash in the town of Patikul in Sulu province. The clash took place near where two Marines were beheaded by Abu Sayyaf fighters last month.


The Taliban killed 13 Afghan policemen in Kandahar and four ISAF soldiers in the south and the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Paktika, Nimroz, and Kunduz. The Taliban may attend the Bonn conference.


Muqtada al Sadr threatened to attack US trainers if they remain in Iraq past the December 2011 deadline for withdrawal. Insurgents killed an Awakening fighter in Kirkuk. Security forces detained two insurgents in Diyala.


Syrian troops backed by tanks are said to have killed 50 people in an assault on the city of Deir al Zor. Soldiers killed 13 more people in an attack in Houla Plain, near Homs.


Fighting broke out in Mogadishu as Shabaab rearguard forces attacked African Union and Somali troops advanced into areas abandoned by Shabaab two days ago. Prime Minister Ali said Somali troops would continue to fight Shabaab outside of Mogadishu.


Syrian opposition admits armed insurgents are operating on fringe of uprising against Assad regime


Somalia famine: Islamist fighters pull out of Mogadishu to allow food to be distributed


How Pakistani minutemen are fighting the Taliban ‘false Muslims’


A suicide bomber killed one person outside a school in Mohmand. The Taliban destroyed 16 NATO fuel tankers in Peshawar and bombed a school in Khyber.


The Taliban claimed to have shot down a Chinook in Wardak, killing 30 US soldiers, including 22 SEALs, an interpreter, and seven Afghan commandos. ISAF is investigating reports that an airstrike killed eight civilians in Helmand. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


Two people were killed and seven more were wounded in three bombings at a sports stadium in Ramadi. Security forces captured seven members of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq.


Shabaab forces have withdrawn from Mogadishu, spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told the Shabaab-run Andalus radio statio. “We have abandoned Mogadishu but we remain in other towns,” Rage said. “We aren’t leaving you, but we have changed our tactics.”

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has launched an “indoctrination campaign” along the Mali-Mauritania border. AQIM “has been organizing exhortatory and religious lectures that end with inviting people to engage in holy war” near military barracks in Mali, a local said.