Monthly Archives: August 2011


In Afghanistan’s Garmser district, praise for a US official’s tireless work


“Gunmen” kidnapped a US citizen from his home in Lahore. A military court convicted seven men for their role in the 2009 assault on Army GHQ. One Afghan child in South Waziristan was killed in mortar fire that was launched from Afghanistan.


The Taliban killed five policemen and three Afghan intelligence officers in Wardak, and five civilians in Helmand. Five Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash in Herat. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Faryab, and Baghlan.


Five prisoners, several of whom are members of the al Qaeda-linked Fatah al Islam, escaped from the Roumieh prison near Beirut. Four of the prisoners are Lebanese citizens and one is a Sudanese citizen.


Shabaab’s spokesman denied reports that the groups withdrew from Mogadishu due to splits in the leadership. Security forces found a large Shabaab weapons cache in the Bakara market.


Jemaah Islamiyah operative Umar Patek is cooperating with police since his extradition from Pakistan, officials said. Patek has admitted to his role in the 2002 Bali bombings and attacks on churches.

Al Qaeda

Mali’s two-pronged approach to combating Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb


VANTAGE POINT, No. 4. Reading the Rebels in Misurata, Libya.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US intelligence officials believe al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is attempting to manufacture ricin for a WMD attack on the US. Officials said that AQAP was gathering the precursors and attempting to manufacture them in safe havens in Shabwa province in Yemen.


The Taliban killed three policemen while freeing Taliban prisoners from custody in Peshawar. Mohmand Taliban commander Omar Khalid claimed credit for yesterday’s female suicide attack in Peshawar.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, and Baghlan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


US disputes report alleging high civilian death toll from drone strikes