Monthly Archives: August 2011


The Muslim Brotherhood warned the ruling government not to interfere with the writing of a new constitution. The Muslim Brotherhood believes the military will limit who can draft the document and maintain a role in politics.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab forces and government troops near Beledweyne. Shabaab announced it is conducting hit-and-run attacks in Mogadishu.


Pakistan allowed China to inspect the wreckage of the US stealth helicopter that crashed during the raid to kill Osama bin Laden. The Taliban killed three soldiers in an attack on a base in North Waziristan. Eleven people were killed in a bombing at a hotel in Baluchistan. Security forces arrested a Taliban commander in […]


A Taliban suicide assault team killed 16 civilians and six policemen in an attack in Parwan; seven Taliban fighters were also killed. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Faryab.


Seventeen al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three soldiers were killed during fighting in Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan province. Tribesmen in Abyan claimed the government is arming AQAP. The Islamist Islah party and the Shia Houthis signed a ceasefire agreement.


Syria warships have shelled the port city of Latakia, where anti-regime protesters have held protests. Tanks and artillery have also been used. Nineteen people have been killed.


Libyan rebels claimed to control more than 70 percent of the town of Zawiyah and are advancing on the town of Gharyan. Fighting also continues in Brega. Rebels claimed to have taken control of the town of Tawurgha.


Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamoud Rage insisted that the group’s fighters remain in Mogadishu. One soldier was killed during fighting with the Ras Kamboni Brigade in Dhobley.


A suicide bomber detonated his car bomb outside of a police station, wounding 29 people, including 11 policemen. The blast took place in Tizi-Ouzou, an area with a strong al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb presence.


Pakistan – Superintendents, doctor of prison suspended over militants escape