Monthly Archives: July 2011


Security forces arrested 16 members of an al Qaeda assassination cell, including the terror group’s leader, in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a policeman in Baghdad.


A suicide bomber killed nine Yemeni soldiers and wounded 21 more in an attack on a military convoy in Aden. The convoy was traveling to fight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Zinjibar.


Shabaab beheaded two shepherds and displayed their corpses in Afgoye. The government of Puntland and Shabaab forces under Sheikh Atom agreed to a cease-fire.


Norway: Scouring the Web for Clues to a Suspected Attacker’s Motives


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, and Baghlan. Five foreign fighters were among seven terrorists killed during fighting in Ghazni.

Humvee With Chimney for Safety Draws Military’s Interest


Libyan rebels insist Gadhafi be tried for crimes, as NATO hits Tripoli


Tribesmen stopped a convoy of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters from reaching Zinjibar; one AQAP fighter was killed. Police arrested four suspects in the bombing that killed a British citizen.