Monthly Archives: July 2011


US Secretary of State Clinton said President Assad has “lost legitimacy” and the US has “absolutely nothing invested in him … remaining in power.” Syria said Clinton’s statement was “provocative.”

United States

Self-proclaimed Islamic radical Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a.k.a. Carlos Bledsoe from Tennessee, faces capital murder charges in Arkansas for killing one soldier and wounding another at a Little Rock recruiting station in 2009. He seeks to be tried on terror charges in federal court instead.


UN scales up aid to thousands fleeing Pakistan’s latest conflict zone


US accuses Syria of unleashing mob attacks on US, French embassies


Military aid to Pakistan not feasible when trainers are being asked to leave: US


Pakistan – Christian sanitation workers swept into societal gutter


US Predators killed 12 “militants” in a astrike in North Waziristan. A Suicide bomber killed seven people in Battagram. Two drivers transporting fuel for NATO were killed in Darakshan near Quetta.


Tunisia: Arab democracy ‘impossible’ without Islamists


Twenty Taliban fighters, including five Pakistanis, were killed during an operation in Kapisa. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, and Kunduz.

Al Qaeda

The Al Fajr Media Center, al Qaeda’s internet propaganda arm, announced the establishment of the al-Fida’ forum. The new forum is to take the place of the Al Ekhlaas forum.


Insurgents killed two soldiers in Mosul, a police colonel in Tikrit, an Army officer in Al Kut, and a US soldier in the south. Iran threatened to attack bases of the PKAK, a PKK offshoot, inside Iraq.

United Kingdom

A terror suspect of UK-Nigerian nationality, identified only as CD, is appealing an order that bans him from London. He allegedly leads an Islamist group, and was arrested with two other suspects in January. He trained in Syria and with the July 2005 London bombers, and has tried to purchase weapons to carry out terror […]

Al Qaeda

CIA organised fake vaccinations to obtain Osama bin Laden’s family DNA

Al Qaeda

MI5 and police reduce UK terror threat from ‘severe’ to ‘substantial’


The UN’s high commissioner for refugees said that aid agencies should work with Shabaab to distribute food to those in need. Two people were killed as Somali soldiers fought amongst themselves in Mogadishu.