Naser Jason Abdo. Phoos from FOX (left) and ABC (right). |
Yesterday in Killeen, Tex., Naser Jason Abdo, a 21-year-old Private First Class in the US Army who made headlines in 2010 by protesting military service on grounds of conscience, was arrested in possession of firearms, ammunition, bomb-making components, and gunpowder. Investigators say that during questioning, Abdo confessed to plotting a major attack on Fort Hood Army base, where he intended to target fellow soldiers.
Officials and investigators have stated explicitly that no motive has been established as to why Abdo wanted to target the base. No indications currently point to Abdo being involved with a terrorist organization. Also, at present there do not appear to be any co-conspirators. The known facts of the case at this time are as follows.
Naser Abdo joined the military in 2009, but refused to deploy after learning that he would be sent to Afghanistan. Less than a year after completing Army basic training, he submitted paperwork as a conscientious objector citing his religious beliefs. Abdo said to ABC: “A Muslim is not allowed to participate in an Islamicly unjust war. Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the US military.”
In May of this year, the military agreed that Abdo should part ways with the military, but he was later found in possession of child pornography on his computer, and his discharge hearing was delayed. Last month, it was recommended that he be court-martialed. Shortly thereafter, Abdo went AWOL from Fort Campbell in Kentucky, where he had been stationed.
Yesterday Abdo was arrested in a motel room in Killeen, Tex., just minutes from Fort Hood. In his possession investigators found six canisters of smokeless gunpowder, three boxes of shotgun shells, and a magazine for an automatic handgun, according to the Killeen Daily Herald. All of these items were purchased at a local gun shop, Guns Galore, where Fort Hood gunman Nidal Hasan had purchased his weapons and later killed 13 in a massacre at the Texas military post in 2009. Abdo also visited a military surplus store where he bought Fort Hood patches for an Army uniform. Authorities were notified by Guns Galore employees that a “suspicious male” had purchased gunpowder and ammunition.
CNN and other media outlets are also reporting that a backpack in Abdo’s room contained “Islamic extremist literature.” While it is easy to note similarities between Naser Abdo’s case and the attack by Nidal Hasan in 2009 that left 13 dead, many facts in the Abdo case are still unknown. Hasan was later shown to have been influenced by al Qaeda-linked cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
Abdo was arrested not by the military but by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, along with the FBI and the Killeen police department. A spokesman for the FBI’s San Antonio office said: “We’re looking into all aspects of his background to determine his intentions.”
Update: According to the New York Times, also found in the motel room where Abdo was staying was a shopping list for what appeared to be bomb-making materials, along with a copy of the article “how to make a bomb in your kitchen sink” from al Qaeda’s English-language magazine Inspire.
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“A Muslim is not allowed to participate in an Islamicly unjust war. Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the US military.”
Too bad the entire Afghan people don’t seem to think this at all about the Afghanistan war.But I suppose they’re not REAL Muslims like this murdering idiot.
How disconcerting! Just when the media was trying its best to focus our attention on Christian terrorism, this distraction occurs to remind people that 9 out of 10 acts of terror are undertaken by Muslims.
Why join up in the first place if this is your attitude?
Guy is obviously an idiot. In Britain although we have had soldiers refuse to serve in Iraq/Afghan due to reasons of conscience to my knowledge no Muslim Soldiers have yet refused but I don’t think we have many!
An interesting note a plot was uncovered a few years ago in Britiain, a group of Islamic Extremists who wanted to kidnap a serving Muslim Soldier and behead him on Video as a warning to other Muslims who might consider serving. They like the moron above also got caught.
Mr. Charu, I suggest you grab a cup of tea and take some genuine time to read this report…
Here’s an excerpt:
“Islamist terrorists carried out 3 attacks on EU territory. Seperatist groups on the other hand, were responsible for 160 attacks, while left-wing and anarchist groups were responsible for 45 attacks.”
Charu, you just have a personal bias against anything Muslim in general. Ive seen your posting. You even encourage the continued Russian onslaught on all the Chechen people until they are wiped out. Would you like the reference?
Wake up to reality. You are boxing yourself in thinking all Muslims are out to cut your head off.
This guy was a “plant” from day 1. Regrettably, those who will suffer most will be those loyal patriotic Americans of Moslem background or belief who are itching to war against Taliban/AQ. There are thousands of them and because of the actions of a bare few, their comrades in arms will tell you (off the record, of course) that, much as they want to and would like to, it is very difficult placing 100% trust in fellow soldiers of the Islamic faith.
I am looking forward to the day when most Muslims denounce muslim terrorism and sharia law.
Out of a faith of 1.57 BILLION people, there are bound to be a few nutcases like this guy who use faith and religion as an accessory to their violent and mentally ill tendencies of indiscriminate violence.
There are many things that could be wrong with this guy. He could be a prone to genetically inherited mental illnesses that just set in (schizophrenia usually sets in around early 20’s) and he could have just snapped. Or maybe he thought his life was going nowhere and just decided to end it all. Who knows. But to come on here and blame all Muslims or Islam for the acts of some bad men, or mentally ill stooges then that is not the right thing to do.
Many Muslims time and time again have stated that Al Qaeda does not follow the ways of the Prophets or of the “Sunnah”. I think when most people rail on Muslims, it is because they choose to ignore the countless times when Muslims have spoken out against, and fought terrorism on the battlefield. Muslims all over the world are different in SO many ways I can’t even explain here, but it’s just not fair to label them all when one psychopath decides to use the label of Islam to carry out his evil agendas and evil intentions.
lh, i’m with you. i’d like to hear it loudly and clearly. i’d like to hear it in protest marches on Sunday, on Friday. i’d like to hear it right here, in these columns. meantime, i’m not holding my breath. Especially not when it comes to our Pakistani friends, probably the most pathetic and debauched of the lot.
Shari’ah to us means being respectful and generous to your neighbhor, telling the truth, treating your parents with upmost kindness, praying, fasting, giving charity, looking after orphans, etc…
This is what Shari’ah means to the Muslim, and to forsake it is to forsake Islam, which naturally is an act of disbelief.
You think that all Shar’iah means is getting your hand cut off for stealing or not being allowed to drink beer.
To continue to keep yourself in the dark and to rely on others to feed you information about Islam instead of going straight to the source to educate yourself, you will continue to understand Islam/Shari’ah, etc … in a narrow and ultimately biased perspective.
And BTW, are Christians supposed to come out and condemn terrorism as a whole because of what some man in Norway did? Why are Muslims to be held responsible for some other Muslims actions? How many people are murdered in the United States by people who you would categorize as Christian…are all Christians no supposed to make it loud and clear that they condemn murder?
Yes, don’t hold your breath. I condemn all murder, because Allah has condemned it in the Qur’aan. A Muslim doesn’t need to come and say it. You want condemnation ? Go read the Qur’aan. It speaks for Islam, for all time.
“Shari’ah to us means being respectful and generous to your neighbhor, telling the truth, treating your parents with upmost kindness, praying, fasting, giving charity, looking after orphans, etc…”
The Taliban fight in the name of Islam so can you explain the hanging of the 8 year old boy in Helmand Province this week. Was that the action of a lone psychopath like the one in Norway? or maybe that was is the part after ect…”
So do you think apostates should be punished/killed as per Sharia?
Do you think blasphemers should be punished?, condemned to death?
Now about why Christians don’t need to come out to condemn the act of Norwegian Christian: He did not commit the crime in the name of Christianity. All you need to show is a verse in Christianity (NT) that asks someone to kill Muslims.
On the other hand, do you want me to show verses in Islam that condone killing of unbelievers/infidels?
Jesus never killed any one, can we say the same about the counterpart in Islam?
Whatever the Shari’ah dictates, that is what I believe.
I’m not sure about the hanging story. I can ask the same of you about the Afghan policemen who make a habit of kidnapping Afghan boys at checkpoints and then sodomize them.
Is this what “Democracy” has to offer and is at its pinnacle of principles?
Such a statement is ridiculous, just as it is to suggest that hanging a ‘boy'( I’m not sure if he had reached puberty — which is the litmus test for when an individual is held responsible for their actions — I don’t judge be the Wests standards — interestingly enough in the UK, 10 year olds are taught sex education, taught about using protection, and at the same time they can’t be married, but know all about sex… its backwards when you really think about it… ) is at the heart of what Islam stands for or is about.
Just because an action is carried out by the Taliban, doesn’t mean it is legally justified according to the Shari’ah. There is much difference between what a Muslim does and what Islam advocates… unfortunately. And there is many examples.
As regards to what Xavier has to say, Christians themselves cant even come to a consensus about what the Bible is saying or what Jesus supposedly had to say there in.
The Qur’aan advocates self-defense, for example:
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors. And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.” 2:187 – 193
While throughout, a message of ceasing hostility with those who wish to cease it is ever present…
Also, Allah enjoins justice on those who are not engaged in warfare against Islam and Muslims:
“Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.” Qur’aan 60:8
Back to the topic of Jesus, Jesus was on a different mission then Muhammad(sallahu ‘alayhi was salaam), so it is understandable.
Jesus did advocate weapons and arms, as the NT narrates : “He said to them,
Organized religions, and IF YOU THINK OF IT the concept thereof, is a major contributor to violence and war, around the world generally. Therefore, i reject ALL organized religions. You cannot organize the truth.
Still when one examines the content of all the major religions, one in particular, Islam, stands out for its condonation, even encouragement of violence. To not see that is to deny the roots of the clash of civilizations we are ALL faced with today.
Christianity has matured substantially over the centuries and has demonstrated that it is ready to live and let live. Islam is in a struggle, massive struggle. It is in this context, that peace loving Muslims need to speak up against outdated tenets that endorse violence in its various forms.
The Concerned one can begin with commenting directly on the story at hand, which he hasn’t done, rather than merely espousing Islamic propaganda. (Remember, i said i reject ALL organized religions.)
I don’t abhor violence. Its necessary at times. Everything has its time and place.
And I didn’t know that the Qur’aan was considered propaganda from your perspective…
But the question is… why does this violence exist ? Is it because of just Islam or ?
Why were Jews, Christians and Muslims allowed to exist in peace where there was a place called Andalus, which was an Islamic State… for 800 years ?
Talking about Shariah, watch this:
Millions in Egypt call for Islamic rule: 29 July 2011 [“The people want the rule of shariah!”]
I couldn’t understand a word, fortunately or unfortunately. But i’ve never seen anything so collectively hysterical. What an era we are living.
Bring back the heady days of Lewinsky in the Oval Office. The days when that was what made global news. The days when we were heading towards the rainbow that the new millennium represented. And then 9/11 happened, the marked beginning of the hijack of Islam, followed by Iraq–what a massive distraction. And we’re still paying for it.
You did not answer my actual questions. Instead you answered questions that I never asked.
Let me repeat.
Shall an apostate be punished as per Sharia?
Should blasphemy be punished (by death) per Sharia?
More importantly did Jesus kill anyone?, what about his counterpart in Islam?
I am very interested in ConcernedMuslim’s response to Xavier’s query. He entered the discussion quickly, but disapeared just as quickly when the holes in his (their) argument are exposed. We will not be brainwashed like their suicide bombers, or their people.
Wake up to reality.
The reality is that you have intentionally gone off topic in this discussion and have been promoting your own agenda.
We can appreciate that you are defending your religion, but your diversionary tactics and refusal to address the topic is a waste of your time and ours.
@ Concerned Muslim
‘are Christians supposed to come out and condemn terrorism as a whole because of what some man in Norway did?’
IMO Yes they are, just as any sane person regardless of faith or creed should come out and condemn this act. Equally all secular people, Christian and Muslims etc should condemn the 9/11 attacks or Sikh or Hindu or Communist Terror. We have to stand together not apart.
‘Why were Jews, Christians and Muslims allowed to exist in peace where there was a place called Andalus, which was an Islamic State… for 800 years ?’
Because I assume that was a tolerant Islamic state. Just like Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus et al can all live in peace and free from institutional discrimination in most of the Western world at the current time. This is not so in most Islamic states now though is it? Why has this changed from 800years ago when they were so accepting? (This is a genuine question I would like an answer to please)
‘Just because an action is carried out by the Taliban, doesn’t mean it is legally justified according to the Shari’ah.’
Unfortunately while the Taliban carry out unIslamic acts they do consider themselves Muslims and a part of the Umma and the Islamic Caliphate, perhaps you can explain this dichotomy to them? They may in turn accuse some of your actions as being UnIslamic. Islam like most religions is made up of many sects and what is haram to a Shia may be totally halal to a Sufi, so I find it questionable that any one person, whether yourself or Mullah Omar can talk on behalf of the entire Islamic Umma.
I want to point out that it is of course obvious that ‘ConcernedMuslim’ has an agenda. That is blatantly obvious, I myself was just pointing out the fact that it’s not fair to label most Muslims as terrorists for the actions of a few psychopaths.
Islam and any other organized religions in this day and age have no place in government or policy making. I believe they should be kept to a personal level and I think it is wrong to do what ‘ConcernedMuslim’ is doing by promoting his religion on a plateau superior to all other ideologies, when it really isn’t.
You did not answer my actual questions. Instead you answered questions that I never asked.
Let me repeat.
Shall an apostate be punished as per Sharia?
Should blasphemy be punished (by death) per Sharia?
More importantly did Jesus kill anyone?, what about his counterpart in Islam?”
Mr. Xavier… since my answer was found in the answer I gave, I think I might need to stick with one word answers or something similar so you don’t get distracted. “Xavier” sounds like someone who admires the Crusading Movement. Ill try to keep the answer as close to the understanding of a medieval crusading French peasant for you as possible.
Apostate in Shari’ah. Death penalty. As is found in your own Bible, the same law Jesus advocates that you follow so you can get to heaven.
Depends on the blasphemy and severity.
Jesus [‘alayhis salaam] didn’t kill anyone but said he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword and also advocated his followers to sell their clothes to buy weapons.
Prophet Muhammad [sallaahu ‘alayhi was salaam] never killed anyone.
Insha’Allah, that response is far more suited for you and your counterparts.
Take care.
“I am very interested in ConcernedMuslim’s response to Xavier’s query. He entered the discussion quickly, but disapeared just as quickly when the holes in his (their) argument are exposed. We will not be brainwashed like their suicide bombers, or their people.”
Its Ramadhan … its good to stay away from quarreling with people as much as possible.
Xaviers questions are basic and simple, as I illustrated, he is misinformed about who Muhammad is.
From your earlier post:
I think when most people rail on Muslims, it is because they choose to ignore the countless times when Muslims have spoken out against, and fought terrorism on the battlefield.
Speaking out against terrorism accomplishes very little.
are just a few examples of intra country terrorism that speaking out against won’t stop.
When it is time to forcefully act, the Muslim World (OIC Member Countries) is slow to act if it acts at all.
It took some time, but eventually the Christians in NATO intervened in the Balkans to save the Muslims being killed by the Serbs.
Sadly, the Arab League and/or the OIC failed to return that favor and never intervened to stop the Sudanese Muslims that were killing Sudanese of other religions.
Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic were pursued for their war crimes while al-Bashir continues to be a free man. I am unable to understand the logic to justify why al-Bashir has been protected.
Many were massacred in Syria three decades ago as they are today. Speaking out against it won’t deter Bashar Assad & Co from doing what they are doing. I doubt that the Arab League and/or the OIC will go into Syria and free the people from the tyrant.
Somalia has been a basket case for decades, yet the Arab League and/or OIC won’t go in to cleanup the mess.
Pakistan wants to install the Taliban as the dominant power in Afghanistan, yet the Pakistanis don’t want a Taliban lifestyle for themselves in the Punjab. Again, I am unable to understand the logic.
I think for the most part, the OIC countires have been fairly mute in regards to what Pakistan has been doing to Afghanistan.
Speaking out against by OIC member countries would actually be an improvement from the current policy of silence. Yet, it is quite doubtful that Pakistan would change even if all other OIC countries ,i>spoke out againstsituations in the Muslim world that need some serious effort because speaking out against isn’t going to change things.
OIC Charter
12. To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam
and encourage dialogue among civilisations and religions
If the OIC countries are currently protecting and defending the true image of Islam, then that doesn’t say much for Islam.
If they aren’t yet protecting and defending the true image of Islam, then when can the rest of the world expect them to start on that task?
It isn’t what you say, but what you do and the Muslim world is clueless about the distinction between the two.
re. concerned Muslim
So we have an answer, yes, as he/she believes wholly in Shari’ah then apostates should be put to death,
@Xavier I think his/her first reply was a way of saying this without explicity writing ‘yes I want to kill apostates’
Comparing Islam to Christianity is beyond the point this is not a discussion on comparative religious ethics if we are to have a proper debate it needs to go beyond ‘my book says this..’, ‘well my book says this…’
Are you sure Mohammed never killed anyone? He certainly ordered his armies to kill many thousands in battle at least and he was a military commander and aggressive expanionist who conquered many tribes by less than peaceful means.
What do you think of people who kill in mohammeds name now?
@ Concernedmuslim
you say:
‘Shari’ah to us means being respectful and generous to your neighbhor’
Well I can do that without being a Muslim or having a list of commandments to tell me to. Ethics are not the sole preserve of Shari’ah. IMO just being a decent human being means being respectful and generous to your neighbhor I do not need a set of laws to make me be that way.
“Are you sure Mohammed never killed anyone? He certainly ordered his armies to kill many thousands in battle at least and he was a military commander and aggressive expanionist who conquered many tribes by less than peaceful means.
What do you think of people who kill in mohammeds name now?”
The question was did he, Sallahu ‘alayhi was salaam, kill anyone, and the answer is no. And yes, I am sure. I know Seerah, unlike you.
Now that you have a negative to the answer, you start looking for other blood.
And no, certainly thousands weren’t killed. In all the battles and skirmishes during the 23 years of the Prophethood, doesn’t even reach 2,000 individuals.
And there is no one who kills in Muhammad’s name. Whoever does that is a Mushrik {polytheist].
Bard, brilliant post, thank you!
Very informative, educational and thought-provoking. Especially the OIC Charter bit and i couldn’t agree with you more about them being clueless.
You help me reconcile why this violent conflict is happening/necessary with my personal disdain for violence.
@ Concerned Muslim.
Thanks for your reply I did not realise that only that many died during Mohammeds expanionist era so thanks for setting my facts straight.
On that point though many people accept that for instance George W Bush is guilty of the deaths of the thousands of Iraqis after the invasion even though he never personally killed anyone. I do not know whether you would agree with that but if you did would the same not apply to Mohammed making him responsible?
I accept your point that people do not kill in Mohammeds name, my apologies that was a school boy error on my part! They kill in the name of Allah.
And I am not looking for blood at all I just wish to expand my understanding of Islam and of Muslims so that is why I am grateful you have made the effort to reply.