Monthly Archives: June 2011

South Korea

Google: Hundreds of Gmail accounts hacked, including some senior US government officials


Breaking down Middle East and North Africa unrest, country by country


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Paktika, and Takhar. The Taliban killed two tribal elders in Kandahar, an ISAF soldier in the east, and a civilian in Kabul, and destroyed four cell phone towers in Balkh and Ghazni.


Insurgents killed three Awakening fighters in Tikrit and two Iraqis in Kirkuk. Security forces arrested 24 insurgents in Mosul.


Thirty-seven people were killed during heavy fighting in Sana’a. Security forces killed 12 more anti-government protesters in Taiz.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Friend, colleague and fellow ex-hostage calls for justice after journalist’s murder

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Friend, colleague and fellow ex-hostage calls for justice after journalist’s murder

Wounded Ranger to be awarded Medal of Honor


A military court charged a Shia cleric with spying for Israel. The cleric, Sheikh Mohammed Ali al Husseini, has been critical of Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria, and reportedly has his own militia comprised of 1,500 fighters.


Syrian security forces bombed the southern town of Hirak, killing eight people, including a child. Troops are now in control of Hirak, which is near Daraa, a center of anti-regime activity.