Monthly Archives: June 2011


Gunmen killed an intelligence official in Bannu. Security forces arrested four HUJI operatives in Faisalabad. The Taliban in Khyber bombed five tankers carrying fuel for NATO.


Beheading of poet fuels anti-Islamic feeling in North Ossetia


Swedish authorities have formed a task force to investigate a string of 25 bombings at stores, restaurants, and nightclubs in Malmo since early 2010. The latest attack targeted a convenience store.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, Kunduz, and Herat. The Taliban killed an Australian soldier in the south. The UN may split the Taliban from al Qaeda on the terrorism list.


Security forces detained 10 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids in the southern cities of Adana and Hatay. Adana hosts Incirlik Air Base, which hosts a US Air Force wing.


Fifteen Yemeni troops and 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Zinjibar. The Yemeni government rejected opposition groups’ offers of talks to transition power.


Insurgents killed three people in a bombing at a policeman’s home in Ramadi and two policemen in Mosul. Security forces arrested four al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in Fallujah and Ramadi who are involved in assassinating clerics.