Monthly Archives: May 2011


Iran ‘ignores’ earthquake threat to nuclear plant


African Union and Somali forces have advanced on the Bakara market in Mogadishu, a stronghold of Shabaab and a key source of finances. Twenty people have been killed during two days of fighting.


Iran: Alleged CIA spies included government officials


David Headley’s testimony could reinforce suspicions about Pakistan’s terrorism ties


Terrorists launched an assault on Pakistani Naval Station Mehran in Karachi. Four naval personnel and four terrorists have been reported killed, and two naval aircraft, including a P-3 Orion, are reported to have been destroyed. The terrorists have taken hostages.


Six Afghans and four Taliban fighters were killed after the Taliban assaulted a polcie headquarters in Khost. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Zabul, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, and Baghlan.


Fifteen Iraqis were killed in a series of attacks in and around Baghdad. Eleven were Iraqi soldiers who were killed in a suicide attack in Taji.


An appeals court has upheld the death sentences of two men convicted of killing policemen. Two others had their sentences reduced to life in prison. The court said the sentences were designed to prevent further protests.


Iran’s supreme leader and president wrestle for power

United Kingdom

A Manchester-based Tunisian terrorist who was previously extradited to Italy and then released has been allowed to remain in the UK while he seeks to avoid deportation to Tunisia. He had claimed asylum in the UK in 2001 but was later accused of helping a European terror network recruit fighters for Afghanistan and Iraq.

United States

President Barack Obama said that while the US is “respectful of the sovereignty of Pakistan,” the US would take action inside Pakistan or other countries against top al Qaeda or Taliban leaders if required by national security interests.

United Kingdom – Judges block Home Secretary from deporting convicted terrorist