Monthly Archives: May 2011


Insurgents killed four Iraqis in a car bombing and a Ministry of Defense colonel in Baghdad. Security forces captured four al Qaeda fighters in Anbar.


Government forces loyal to President Saleh attacked the home of tribal leader Sadiq al Ahmar, who has sided with the opposition. The attack sparked heavy fighting in Sana’a, with nine people killed.


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran is increasing its uranium stockpiles. The US imposed economic sanctions on seven foreign firms, including Venezuela’s state oil company, for their dealings with Iran.


The International Atomic Energy Agency said the site bombed by the Israelis in 2007 was “very likely” a nuclear facility. A human rights group claimed more than 1,100 people have been killed by government forces during the last two months of protests.


Police in Garrisa arrested three Bangladeshi men who are suspected of belonging to Shabaab. The three men have UK passports and were traveling to Somali.


Senior Shabaab leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys called for businessmen to take up arms in the Bakara market in Mogadishu. Aweys held a press conference in Bakara to make the announcement. The African Union displayed four captured Shabaab fighters.


Former President Hosni Mubarak will be tried for “pre-meditated killing” of protesters during anti-government demonstrations this year. His two sons have also been referred to the court. More than 800 Egyptians are said to have been killed before Mubarak ceded power on Feb. 11.


Implicating ISI in terror, Headley says hatred of India after 1971 war drove him to LeT

The Taliban

The Taliban denied reports that Mullah Omar was killed. “We strongly reject these baseless allegations,” a spokesman said. Afghan intelligence claimed Omar was killed while being moved from Quetta to North Waziristan.


The Taliban killed four ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the east and another in an attack in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Khost, Wardak, Paktia, and Kunduz.


The Taliban warned the Kazakh government faced “negative consequences” if it deploys troops to support NATO in Afghanistan. The Kazakh parliament approved the deployment of an unspecified number of soldiers to Afghanistan last week.


Insurgents killed two civilians in Kirkuk, a civilian in Baghdad, and a policeman in Al Qaim in Anbar. Two US soldiers were killed during “combat operations” in central Iraq on May 22.


The European Union has tightened sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear program. President Ahmedinejad said Western countries are “using special equipment” to drain clouds of rain and cause droughts in the Middle East.