Monthly Archives: May 2011


Twelve people were killed after more than 500 Salafists gathered outside a Christian church in a Cairo suburb to demand that a woman rumored to have converted to Islam be released. The prime minister called an emergency cabinet meeting.


Pro-Gaddafi forces bombed four fuel storage containers in the port of rebel-held Misrata, destroying the city’s fuel supply. Gaddafi’s forces also shelled rebel forces inside Misrata.


Six Taliban suicide bombers and fighters, a policeman, and a civilian were killed during Taliban assaults on eight government buildings in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Nangarhar, Khost Paktika, Wardak, Logar, and Badghis.


Khaled el-Islambouli, the nephew of Anwar Sadat’s assassin, returned to Egypt after years of exile in Iran. Egypt’s ruling military council has lifted the entry ban against him and nearly 2,000 others, many of them Islamists who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s. Khaled’s father, Mohammed el-Islambouli, who is wanted for attacks in Egypt in […]


Trial in Mumbai attacks could strain US-Pakistan relations


Security forces in Mosul killed the governor of Ninewa for al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq. Insurgents killed six people and looted foreign exchanges in Baqubah. The foreign minister said al Qaeda in Iraq is likely to take revenge for Osama bin Laden’s death.


Shabaab mourned the death of “Sheikh Osama” bin Laden and vowed to wage jihad so far as to “rule the whole world.” Shabaab flogged a woman for listening to the BBC. The Somali government accused Eritrea of backing Shabaab.


Government tanks and troops have entered the city of Baniyas, penetrating Sunni enclaves; protesters have formed human chains. At least 26 protesters were killed yesterday in several cities, including Homs and Hama. Rights groups claim over 800 civilians have been killed since the uprising began in mid-March.


Suspected Muslim militants detonated a bomb near a football field in Pattani province, killing four policemen and injuring a dozen others. In Yala, militants killed three soldiers and injured two more. In Narathiwat, a former local official was shot and killed. Since 2004, over 4,300 people have been killed in these three troubled provinces.