Monthly Archives: May 2011


Syrian forces use soccer stadiums as prisons, human rights groups say


Abu Bakir Bashir, the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, said Osama bin Laden was going to “heaven” but denied links to the terror chief. “I don’t know if it’s [his death] true, but if he is dead, God willing he will go to heaven.”


Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi claimed Osama bin Laden died years ago from an undisclosed sickness. “If the US military and the intelligence apparatus arrested and killed Bin Laden, why didn’t they show the body? Why did they throw it in the sea?”

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb praised Osama bin Laden and credited him for the uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen. “Do not cry for him…. Instead rise and go on his path. Rise and thwart the American Zionist Western unjust aggression with all of your power and energy.”


NATO strike aircraft bombed military weapons depots in the town of Zintan. Human Rights Watch accused pro-Gaddafi forces of “repeated indiscriminate attacks” in the mountain towns of Nalut, Takut, and Zintan.


Police arrested 23 people suspected of being involved in the Sunday massacre at a Coptic church in Cairo, bringing the total to more than 200 detained. Twelve people were killed after radical Muslims attacked the church.


Twenty-three Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during two days of fighting in Kandahar. The Taliban killed four policemen in Ghazni and a tribal elder in Paktika. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Ghazni, Jawzjan, Baghlan, and Kunduz.


Security forces killed seven fighters from the Islamic Caucasus Emirate during a raid in the Kizlyar district in northern Dagestan. One soldier was also killed during the fighting. A journalist from an Islamic newspaper was killed in Dagestan.

Al Qaeda

Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a senior al Qaeda commander, is believed to be linked to three suspected terrorists who were detained in Dusseldorf. Abdeladim K. a Moroccan who led the Dusseldorf cell, was in contact with Atiyah.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb denied involvement in the bombing at a cafe in Marrakesh that killed 16 people. “We deny any link to this explosion and declare we are in no way involved in this operation,” the AQIM statement said.


Iran helping Syrian regime crack down on protesters, say diplomats


Eighteen people, including al Qaeda’s governor for Baghdad and seven security officers, were killed during a failed jailbreak. Insurgents killed three civilians and a policeman in Baghdad and Kirkuk. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Ninewa and Baqubah.


A local clan militia in Beledweyn claimed to have killed seven Shabaab fighters. Two government soldiers were killed during infighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab took control of the village of Buursaar, and arrested an accountant in Kismayo for aiding the government.