Monthly Archives: May 2011

Al Qaeda

Afghanistan – Advances made, but country stands at perilous crossroads

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden mission agreed in secret 10 years ago by US and Pakistan


Egyptian Christians say they are ‘under organised attack’


Five former and current Pakistani Army officers, all majors, are on India’s list of most wanted terrorists. The list includes al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri, Indian Mujahideen leader Abdur Rehman Hashim Syed, and Sajid Mir, a handler of the terrorists who asaulted Mumbai.


Afghan officials say insurgents stop assault on police in remote northeast province


Ally of Assad says Syria will fight protests till ‘the end’


A Shabaab leader in Marka vowed to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden and said local businessmen have donated weapons for the task. Shabaab has banned alcohol and Tobacco.


Columns of tanks are reported to be moving toward the city of Hama, where anti-regime protests have been ongoing. Syrian forces are also cracking down in Duraa, Homs, and Baniyas. The European Union announced an embargo against Syria.


Security forces claimed to have arrested the “mastermind” who sparked violent attacks by Muslims against Christians at a church in Cairo. The government extended former President Mubarak’s detention.

Al Qaeda

ISI officers took bribes to release Taliban fighters, say Gitmo detainees


Iran’s push for regional domination gets Arab Spring boost


Ibragimkhalil Daudov, who is also known as Emir Salih, has been named the “commander of the Dagestani Front of the Caucasus Emirate’s Armed Forces.” Doku Umarov, the leader of the Caucasus Emirate, announced Daudov’s appointment in a statement released at Kavkaz Center.


The Taliban killed six policemen in an ambush in Ghazni and three civilians in a suicide attack in Laghman, and assassinated a reconciled Taliban leader and four former fighters in Kunduz. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Zabul, Paktika, Kunar, and Baghlan.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi al Qurashi, al Qaeda in Iraq’s emir, claimed credit for the recent suicide attack in Hillah that killed 24 policemen. Baghdadi said the attack was executed to avenge Osama bin Laden’s death. “We are not of those who shed tears and sit idly by crying like women,” he said.


Insurgents killed a civilian in Baghdad and targeted for assassination a director general of the Iraqi Police. Police arrested 10 wanted men in Maysan province.


Security forces attacked and killed six anti-Saleh protesters in Taiz. Pakistan will repatriate Osama bin Laden’s wife, Aml Ahmed Abdul Al Fatah Al Sadah, to Yemen.