Monthly Archives: May 2011

Al Qaeda

US officials: Pakistan hasn’t shared detailed bin Laden logs left behind

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden’s preoccupation with US said to be source of friction with followers


Afghan Local Police repelled a Taliban attack in Jawzjan; 17 Taliban fighters and 1 policeman were killed. Three Taliban fghters and two policemen were killed in a clash in Paktika. Security forces captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar.


Two policemen were killed in a bombing in Tikrit in Salahadin. Iraq’s political parties will debate extending the US troop presence beyond December 2011.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Nasir al Wuhayshi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir, threatened the US for killing Osama bin Ladem. “What is coming is even worse, what awaits you is more intense and more damaging,” he said in a statement released on jihadist forums.


Puntland forces killed 21 Shabaab fighters in Galgala after Shabaab forces ambushed a military convoy. Five soldiers were killed in the ambush. Three people were killed as Shabaab forces and elements of the Ras Kamboni Brigade clashed near Dhobley.


Security forces killed 13 people while shelling homes and opening fire on anti-government protesters in the town of Harra. Syria sent a detained Al Jazeera reporter to Iran. The UN has suspended most of its operations in Syria.


Libyan rebels claimed to have taken control of the airport in Misrata and have driven pro-Gaddafi forces from the city. NATO continues to strike at military installations run by Gaddafi’s forces.

Al Qaeda

Murky identities and ties hinder NATO’s hunt for Afghan insurgents, report says


Tajikistan and the Muslim Organisation of the Islamic Conference have sent a joint letter to the UN protesting the planned republication in Norway of a book about the controversy over cartoons published in 2005 of the Prophet Mohammed.


A fight broke out in a Kuwait City mosque after the imam wanted those in attendance to take part in a ceremony that would commemorate al Qaeda emir Osama bin Laden. Some of the worshipers protested, sparking the clash.


A US Predator strike killed four “militants” in South Waziristan. A policewoman and a civilian were killed in a bombing outside a courthouse in Nowshera. A Pakistani official denied leaking the name of the CIA station chief; the name was incorrect.


Afghan police killed two Taliban fighters while repelling a large attack in Nuristan. The Taliban killed four ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Khost, Logar, Nangarhar, Kunduz, Jawzjan.