Monthly Archives: May 2011

Al Qaeda

US interviews ‘hostile’ bin Laden widows, with Pakistan officials

Al Qaeda

WikiLeaks papers reveal Guantanamo detainees’ talk of post-9/11 plots


US Predators killed seven “militants,” including “foreigners” in an airstrike in Datta Khel in North Waziristan. Police arrested four Pakistani Taliban members in Karachi.


Security forces accidentally killed a policeman and a woman during a raid in Nangarhar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Logar, Wardak, and Badghis. A policeman killed two ISAF soldiers in Helmand. India’s prime minister announced $500 million in aid to Afghanistan.


Omar Hammami, the American who is also known as Abu Mansoor al Amriki, spoke at a public rally in Afgoye for Osama bin Laden. Hammami vowed to avenge bin Laden and said the establishment of a global caliphate would come soon.


Kenyan police are protecting President Barack Obama’s step-grandmother after she received threats from Shabaab. “We received reports of plans to attack the home of Mama Sarah Obama and we immediately put in place adequate security measures,” a local police chief said.

Al Qaeda

‘Pakistan wasn’t bin Laden’s only hideout,’ says Prime Minister Gilani


Russia has sent the nuclear fuel needed to start the Bushehr plant. The trial of three American hikers, two of whom are still in Iranian custody, has been postponed.


Police arrested six men linked to Islamic terrorists, including an “Indian native” and several Frenchmen, during separate raids in Paris and “two of its heavily immigrant suburbs.” The cell leader has “a high level of technical training.”