Monthly Archives: May 2011


Security forces killed three protesters in the border town of Tel Kelakh. Syrians are fleeing from Tel Kelakh into Lebanon as President Assad continues his crackdown on anti-regime elements.

United States

The US has charged six Pakistani Americans “with conspiring to provide, and providing, material support to a conspiracy to murder, maim and kidnap persons overseas, as well as conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically, the Pakistani Taliban.” Three men, including two imams, were arrested in the US and three more […]


Pakistan must stand united with allies to tackle extremists: NATO


In Iraq, an internal Shiite battle may be key to US troop extension

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden’s death: new organization, leadership emerges


The Taliban claimed a suicide attack that killed 75 Frontier Corps troops and five civilians in Charsadda. US Predators killed four “militants” in North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed five NATO fuel tankers in Khyber.


Afghan intelligence officials broke up a Pakistani plot to assassinate the Indian attache in Jalalabad. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Badghis, Baghlan, Uruzgan, and Paktika. The Taliban killed an ISAF solider in the south.


Security forces killed three protesters. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed five soldiers in an ambush in Marib. Qatar said it no longer backed the GCC initiative for President Saleh to resign.


Shabaab displayed the body of a captured African Union soldier. Ten people were killed during heavy fighting in Mogadishu; another five were killed in Beletweyne. Shabaab’s spokesman threatened to attack Uganda.


In a detailed confidential report on his interrogation by Indian authorities in Chicago in 2010, David Coleman Headley said he planned a terrorist attack on the Jyllands-Posten newspaper with the help of members of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, including a high-ranking officer named “Major Iqbal.” Headley claimed to have worked with the Lashkar-e-Taiba, which he […]


Italy’s foreign minister said it is likely that President Gaddafi was wounded in a recent NATO airstrike and is no longer in Tripoli. The Libyan rebels are seeking recognition from the US.