Monthly Archives: May 2011

Al Qaeda

Drone killing debate: Germany limits information exchange with US intelligence


US Predators killed 10 “militants,” including four “foreigners” in North Waziristan. The Taliban claimed credit for killing a Saudi consular official in Karachi.


The Taliban killed four ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the south and three civilians in a mortar attack in Kunar. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Paktia, Wardak, Logar, Baghlan, Balkh, and Faryab. Forty Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Takhar.


Insurgents killed six Iraqis in separate attacks in Baghdad and Kirkuk. Iraqi security officials claimed that Shia terror groups are behind a wave of assassinations of government officials over the past several months.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are thought to have killed a Yemeni soldier in Zinjibar in Lahj province. A security official claimed the government would take “drastic steps” to put an end to protests.


Shabaab killed five pro-government troops and two Ugandan officers in separate attacks in Mogadishu. A Somali newspaper claimed that the demonstrators celebrating Osama bin Laden’s death were paid by an NGO allied with the government.


Supreme Leader Khameni and President Ahmadinejad have been feuding over the dismissal of the intelligence minister. The UN said Iran is partnering with North Korea to build nuclear missiles. The government executed 25 people in the past week.


Iran President Ahmadinejad dismisses criticism of appointments, feuds with Khamenei


NATO said it must widen the target set lest President Gaddafi remain in power. The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor is seeking warrants for the arrest of Gaddafi.